Overuse of Land by Intensive Farming


Mind Map on Overuse of Land by Intensive Farming, created by oitt_aa on 22/09/2013.
Mind Map by oitt_aa, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by oitt_aa over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Overuse of Land by Intensive Farming
  1. • Intensive farming uses large quantities of inorganic fertilizers containing nitrate, phosphate and potassium ions also known as ‘NPK’.
    1. • Inorganic fertilisers are very effective but also have undesirable effects on the environment.
      1. • They contain nitrate and ammonium ions which are very soluble and can quickly leach out into local rivers and lakes.
        1. • This results in rapid algal growth particularly in lakes.
          1. • This populations explosion is known as an algal bloom. The enrichment of a body of water with inorganic nutrients is a case of eutrophication.
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