Digital Citizenship Unit 3 Revision Mind Map


Digital Citizenship Learning Grid
Seth Hartley
Mind Map by Seth Hartley, updated more than 1 year ago
Seth Hartley
Created by Seth Hartley over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Digital Citizenship Unit 3 Revision Mind Map
  1. Digital foot print
    1. the internet always remembers what you post
      1. photos
        1. tagged locations
          1. twitter/instagram postes
        2. Cyberbullying
          1. When some form of bulling takes place on any digital device
            1. Hurtful comments
              1. impersonations
                1. Can happen on any plat form on line on any digital device
              2. Netiquette
                1. rules that are for the internet and how you should act on line
                  1. Be kind and considerate
                    1. Remember that everything you post is there forever so never post personal information or information about someone else without permission
                      1. Give proper credit to your sources
                        1. Report cyberbullying
                          1. Don't spread fake news
                        2. Fake news
                          1. News that is not true or altered slightly
                            1. If you want to check if the website you are looking at is giving true information then...
                              1. 1) see if any other websites are reporting it
                                1. 2) does the website look real
                                  1. 3) does the story add up
                                    1. 4) does the website have a good reputation
                                      1. If the answer is yes to all of the questions then you have a trustworthy website
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