maya civilization


Santiago Blanco5480
Mind Map by Santiago Blanco5480, updated more than 1 year ago
Santiago Blanco5480
Created by Santiago Blanco5480 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

maya civilization
  1. the maize,cotton,sedds an sunflower was part of the agriculture
    1. location
      1. the maya civilization developed in mesoamerica ,mexico peninsula of yucatan
        1. mayas was in another countries like belize,el salvador,guatemala and mexico
        2. games:for example the mayas play a game called the ball game that they need to put a ball that weight 3 kg
          1. and the winner team was sacrificed because they like to go with kukulkan
          2. the mayas was a politeist culture the in gods in that they believe was yaxchilan and kukulkan was the most important gods
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