Mind Map for English 101 Slavery vs. New Jim Crow


Mind Map on Mind Map for English 101 Slavery vs. New Jim Crow, created by shelbybaggott on 06/11/2013.
Mind Map by shelbybaggott, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shelbybaggott over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Mind Map for English 101 Slavery vs. New Jim Crow
  1. Education
    1. Slavery: During the Slave Era, Slaves weren't allowed to be taught how to read or write. If slave was caught attempting to learn these skills, they were brutally punished.
      1. New Jim Crow: Today, there are many inequalities in the education system. The quality of free education you receive is based on the income of your neighborhood. This effects the quality of your books, teachers, school location etc. So in you live in a poor neighborhood you will more than likely be offered free poor education. Whereas a rich neighborhoods have quality books, educated teachers, and safer neighborhoods to walk to and from school.
        1. Slavery: Slave owners feared that if slaves were educated they would rebel and over power them.
          1. New Jim Crow: Convicted felons cannot receive student aid in or out of prison.
          2. Labor
            1. New Jim Crow: There is inequality in the workforce. Blacks (sometimes) have to work twice as hard to keep the same job a white person has.
              1. New Jim Crow: Inmates get paid from $0-$4 per hour
                1. Slavery: Slaves worked for free for slave masters.
                  1. Slaves: Instead being unemployed, slaves were physically and mentally punished for doing there job incorrect,
                  2. Voting
                    1. Slavery: Slaves were considered 2/3 of a human/second class citizens. They had no rights and were not allowed to vote during the slave era.
                      1. New Jim Crow: Today, depending on what crime you have committed, you have lost your privileges vote.
                        1. New Jim Crow: Today 90% of inmates are African-American and the majority has lost the privilege to vote.
                          1. Slavery: Some have slaves had brought their freedom, but all African-Americans were not allowed to vote.
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