The Business Letters 2


Mind Map on The Business Letters 2, created by allejapolo94 on 02/09/2015.
Mind Map by allejapolo94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by allejapolo94 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Business Letters 2
  1. Business Lettter is the process of acomplishing a business transaction in written form.
    1. Parts of the Business Letter:
      1. The Letterhead.
        1. The Date.
          1. The Reference Line.
            1. The Inside Address.
              1. The Salutation.
                1. The Message.
                  1. The Complimentary Closing
                    1. The Signature.
                      1. The Initials.
                        1. Enclosures.
                          1. Extra Copies.
                            1. The Envelope.
                            2. Types of the Business Lettrs.
                              1. QUATATION.
                                1. REFUSAL.
                                  1. ORDER.
                                    1. ADJUSTMENT,
                                      1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
                                        1. COMPLAINT.
                                        2. The 5C
                                          1. Concise.
                                            1. Clear.
                                              1. Courteous.
                                                1. Complete.
                                                  1. Correct.
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