Assumptions of CAPM


CIMA Financial Planning Mind Map on Assumptions of CAPM, created by Katerina Kritikos on 08/05/2022.
Katerina Kritikos
Mind Map by Katerina Kritikos, updated more than 1 year ago
Katerina Kritikos
Created by Katerina Kritikos about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Assumptions of CAPM
  1. Investors are rational and risk averse.
    1. Investors have identical holding period.
      1. Market comprises many buyers and sellers and no one individual can affect the market price.
        1. There are no taxes, no transaction costs and no limits on short selling.
          1. Information is free and simultaneously available to all investors.
            1. All investors can borrow and lend unlimited amounts at risk free rate.
              1. Quantity of risky securities in the market is fixed and ignores liquidity.
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