Socio- economic


Mind Map on Socio- economic, created by Libby Caffrey on 14/04/2013.
Libby Caffrey
Mind Map by Libby Caffrey, updated more than 1 year ago
Libby Caffrey
Created by Libby Caffrey about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Socio- economic
  1. 'The plot of Jane Eyre works towards a redistribution of power and wealth but... its revolution improves only the lot of the middle class'


    1. HISTORICAL CONTEXT- Jane = governess= 'between classes'; poor/ 'worse than the servants'/ 'not fit to associate with... gentleman's children'
      1. Importance of education for creation of middle class (redistribution of wealth during INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION)
        1. Hostility towards her 'caste'; 'in her I see all the faults of her class'
          1. Snobbery regarding governesses; 'the whole tribe... a nuisance... half of them detestable and the rest ridiculous, all of them incubi'
        2. Jane herself later receives an inheritance; financially independent
          1. 'it is a fine thing to be lifted from indigence to wealth... a base of steady satisfaction... independence would be glorious... '
            1. 'an individual of but average gastronomical powers sitting down to feast alone at a table spread with provisions for a hundred'
          2. 'In Jane Eyre, the religious explanation determines motivation and action' Barbara Hardy
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