Music Idea 3


Mind Map on Music Idea 3, created by 07suer on 13/01/2014.
Mind Map by 07suer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 07suer over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Music Idea 3
  1. Another idea could involve the green screen. This will help to add in different backgrounds and effects to the video that you cannot normally make.
    1. This would go well with the comic side of the music video.
    2. There can be lots of cool effects that can be used in the music video to make it look more animated, even though it is all filmed, the texture could be changed to make it look more grainy like in a comic book.
      1. After effects will be the ideal program to add these effects into the video. It takes more skill to use but i can get help from teachers and other sources to make sure i can do the best possible that i can with the time i have.
      2. This music video will have a slanted boarder around it to give it a bigger effect and look more dynamic to other music videos that are out at the moment.
        1. This boarder can be made up of some of the main colours that are used in comic books such as, red, blue, yellow, black and white.
        2. The editing in this music video will also be very fast paced to go along with the music and to get as many dynamic shots into the music video as possible.
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