

photosynthesis of glucose
Thomas Marcroft
Mind Map by Thomas Marcroft, updated more than 1 year ago
Thomas Marcroft
Created by Thomas Marcroft over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Light-Dependent Reactions
    1. Photosystem II
      1. Excites electrons from H2O and pulls them away forming O2 (photolysis)
        1. Free protons used to power ATP Synthase
          1. Passes electrons via B6-f to...
            1. Photosystem II
              1. Passes raises electron energy and passes to NADP Reductase
                1. Reduces NADP+ to NADPH
          2. Inside Thylakoid
          3. Light Independent Reactions
            1. Calvin Cycle
              1. In Stroma
                1. Step 1: Carbon Fixation
                  1. CO2 + RuBP creates 6 carbon molecule that splits into 2 3-carbon molecules (PGA)
                    1. Uses Enzyme Rubisco
                    2. Step 2: Reduction Phases
                      1. Uses ATP + NADPH to make G3P
                        1. Takes 2 G3P to make 1 Glucose Phosphate
                        2. Step 3: Regeneration of RuBP
                          1. ATP is used to turn G3P into RuBP
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