Opposition to the Nazis


GCSE Old Germany GCSE NOT for Yr11 from 2017 onwards Mind Map on Opposition to the Nazis, created by Tom Lea on 24/03/2017.
Tom Lea
Mind Map by Tom Lea, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Lea
Created by Tom Lea about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Opposition to the Nazis
  1. Youth
    1. Edelweiss Pirates
      1. Collect propaganda leaflets dropped by allies - redistribute
        1. Listened to Swing music - black origin not liked by Nazis
          1. Wore checked trousers - refused to join HY
          2. Beat up HY patrols
            1. assassinated head of Cologne gestapo
              1. Were caught and hung
            2. White Rose
              1. University students
                1. Hans and Sophie Scholl
                2. Printed and distributed anti Nazi leaflets
                  1. Munich University
                    1. Caught, executed, beheaded
              2. The Church
                1. Martin Niemoller
                  1. Helped set up Confessional church in opposition to Reich Church
                    1. preaches anti Nazi Sermons - especially against Nazi racial policy
                      1. arrested - sent to concentration camp
                        1. kept as 'personal prisoner of the fuhrer' - he was a WWI submarine captain - war hero.
                      2. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
                        1. Helped small number of Jews escape - Operation 7
                          1. A member of the Abwehr - the resistance
                          2. Helped set up Confessional church
                            1. Preached anti Nazi sermons
                              1. Arrested - sent to concentration camp- executed by SS
                            2. The Army
                              1. Operation Valkyrie/July Bomb plot
                                1. Von Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise)
                                  1. Turned against the Nazis as he hated the way they made army fight on after obvious they would lose
                                  2. Aim - kill Hitler
                                    1. Failed - rest of plotters didn't seize Berlin as planned, bomb moved only injured HItler
                                      1. All plotters caught - executed by firing squad
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