Marco Polo


Mind Map on Marco Polo, created by Thakira Stemmet on 13/06/2017.
Thakira Stemmet
Mind Map by Thakira Stemmet, updated more than 1 year ago
Thakira Stemmet
Created by Thakira Stemmet over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Marco Polo
  1. Born Venice, Italy 1254
    1. Died 1324
      1. Spent 24 years of life travelling
        1. Wanted to make contact with people in the East
          1. Travelled from Italy
            1. Through Baghdad
              1. and through Gobi Desert
                1. To China
                  1. Returned to Italy via INDIA
                    1. To show how India could be reached from China by sea
              2. Route known as Silk Road
              3. Guest of Wealthy Chinese Ruler, Kubla Khan
                1. Kubla Khan gave M Polo a TABLET
                  1. The tablet was a VIP Passport
                    1. Got horses
                      1. Got food
                        1. Got guides
                          1. Got places to sleep
                            1. Ensure safety on his way back to Europe
                        2. Journey home took him 3 years
                          1. Age of Discovery -
                            1. a period of exploration by European Sailors from the early 15th Century that lasted about 200 years
                              1. Its what Marco Polos travels are called
                              2. Wrote a Book about his travels which Christopher Columbus read
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