
A-Levels FDT Mind Map on FDT, created by Peter Pan's Wendy on 18/05/2013.
Peter Pan's Wendy
Mind Map by Peter Pan's Wendy, updated more than 1 year ago
Peter Pan's Wendy
Created by Peter Pan's Wendy about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Proteins
    1. Cheese
      1. Fish
        1. Meat
          1. Vegetable Sources
            1. Nuts
              1. Soya
                1. Pulses
                  1. Beans
                2. Fat
                  1. Saturated Fat
                    1. Animal Sources
                      1. Butter
                        1. Lard
                      2. Polyunsaturated Fats
                        1. Sunflower Oil
                      3. Carbohydrates
                        1. Starchy
                          1. Cereal
                            1. Bread
                              1. Pasta
                                1. Potatoes
                                2. Sugary
                                  1. Honey
                                    1. Fruit
                                      1. Vegtables
                                        1. Malt Products
                                      2. Minerals
                                        1. Iron
                                          1. Green Vegetables
                                            1. Bread
                                              1. Meat
                                                1. Lentils
                                                2. Calcium
                                                  1. Tofu
                                                    1. Dairy
                                                      1. Cereals
                                                        1. Green Vegetables
                                                      2. Vitamins
                                                        1. Vitamin A
                                                          1. Green Vegetables
                                                            1. Yellow Vegetables
                                                              1. Dairy
                                                              2. Vitamin B
                                                                1. Bread
                                                                  1. Milk
                                                                    1. Eggs
                                                                    2. Vitamin B12
                                                                      1. Meat
                                                                        1. Milk
                                                                          1. Yeast
                                                                          2. Vitamin C
                                                                            1. Vegetables
                                                                              1. Fruit
                                                                              2. Vitamin D
                                                                                1. Oily Fish
                                                                                  1. Margarine
                                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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