
Note on Untitled, created by Katie Lewis on 14/06/2014.
Katie Lewis
Note by Katie Lewis, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Lewis
Created by Katie Lewis almost 10 years ago

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Effect of global warming

Visible light from the sun passes through the atmosphere The Earth absorbs this energy then emits it as infra-red radiation Some of this infra-red makes it back into space The rest is absorbed by CO2,Methane gas and Water Vapour These gases then re-emit the infra-red back down to Earth This leads to global warming

Red Shift

Absorption lines are there because gases in the star absorb at certain wavelengths of light When we look at light from a distant galaxy the absorption lines are shifted to the red end The further away the galaxy the more the lines have shifted  Galaxies are moving away because the universe is expanding  Theory: Big Bang

The faster the light source moves the faster its light will be 'shifted'

Everything in the universe is moving away from a single point  because light from different stars and from the edge of the universe also shows this 'red shift'

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