Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Marketing Quiz on Untitled, created by k_logan on 13/06/2013.

Created by k_logan over 11 years ago


Question 1 of 28


What is segmentation?

Select one of the following:

  • Segmentation is the grouping of potential buyers that will respond similarly to marketing actions

  • it is the sorting of potential buyers into groups that have common needs and will respond similarly to marketing actions.


Question 2 of 28


What variables are used to segment consumer markets?

Select one of the following:

  • 1. potential for increased profit
    2. simplicity and cost of segmenting a market
    3. Potential for a marketing action to reach a segment

  • Variables such as customer characteristics - demographic, psychographic and geographic - and buying characteristics - behavioural.


Question 3 of 28


what are the conditions that are required for a segment to be effective or desirable?

Select one of the following:

  • 1. potential for increased profit
    2. potential for a marketing action to reach a segment
    3. simplicity and cost of segmenting a market

  • 1. potential for increased profit
    2. similarity of needs amongst potential buyers
    3. difference of needs among segments
    4. potential of a marketing action to reach a segment.
    5. simplicity and cost of assignment potential buyers to segments.


Question 4 of 28


What is targeting?

Select one of the following:

  • Targeting, in reference with marketing, is when an organisation aims their promotional mix towards a certain target market.

  • is when an organisation directs its marketing program towards a specific group of potential buyers.


Question 5 of 28


What is positioning?

Select one of the following:

  • Positioning, in reference to marketing, is the space a product holds in a consumers mind on important attributes in relation to competing products.

  • it is the space a product occupies in a consumers mind on important features in relation to competing products.


Question 6 of 28


what is the marketing mix?

Select one of the following:

  • it is the four P's. promotion, product, place and price.

  • it is a marketing managers controllable factors that can be taken to solve a marketing problem


Question 7 of 28


Discuss, using examples, the four I's of service.

Select one of the following:

  • Intangibility - cannot be touched, held or seen
    Inconsistency - services and the people serving them change everyday
    Inseparability - the issue that people have separating the deliverer of the service from the service itself.
    Inventory - you cannot store a service.

  • all the same ---- but
    inconsistency - changes in services everyday effects the consistency of a service.


Question 8 of 28


what are three ways to classify services?

Select one of the following:

  • 1.
    2. whether they are profit or non profit

  • 1. whether they are delivered by people or equipment
    2. whether they are profit or non profit
    3. whether or not they are government sponsored.


Question 9 of 28


What is public relations?

Select one of the following:

  • Public relations is

  • it is a form of communication management that seeks to influence the feelings, opinions or beliefs held by people about the company, its products and its services.


Question 10 of 28


what is marketing?

Select one of the following:

  • marketing is the process of developing, pricing, promoting and distributing goods, services and ideas to satisfy the needs of consumers.

  • aj;dijdfdijljaaljldaslijddsflijdsfiljdsfajil


Question 11 of 28


How is Marketing and PR different?

Select one of the following:

  • They are different because marketing seeks to satisfy the needs of consumers but PR seeks to influence the beliefs, opinions and attitudes of consumers.

  • ajdljdlj


Question 12 of 28


What are typical pricing objectives?

Select one of the following:

  • Typical pricing objectives are: make profit, market share, investment

  • profit, market share, unit volume, survival and social responsibility,


Question 13 of 28


What are the four broad approaches to pricing?

Select one of the following:

  • Demand orientated approach
    Cost orientated approach

  • demand orientated approach
    cost orientated approach
    profit orientated approach
    competition orientated approach


Question 14 of 28


What is penetration pricing?

Select one of the following:

  • it is when a product is priced low on entry into the market to attract mass customers and then once interest is sparked the price rises

  • is when you set a low initial price on a new product to appeal immediately to the mass market.


Question 15 of 28


What is skimming pricing?

Select one of the following:

  • it is when you set a high initial price on a new good or service

  • is when you set the highest initial price that customers really desiring the product will pay.


Question 16 of 28


What is skimming pricing?

Select one of the following:

  • it is when you set a high initial price on a new good or service

  • is when you set the highest initial price that customers really desiring the product will pay.


Question 17 of 28


what is price elasticity of demand?

Select one of the following:

  • it is the responsiveness that consumer demand, and businesses have to the changes in a products price

  • is the sensitivity consumer demand and firms revenue are to changes in a products price


Question 18 of 28


what is elastic demand?

Select one of the following:

  • elastic demand is when a small increase or decrease in price leads to a large decrease or increase in demand.

  • djkadljkad


Question 19 of 28


What is inelastic demand?

Select one or more of the following:

  • inelastic demand is when slight changes in the price of a good or service has no real effect on the demand.

  • it is when a small increase or decrease in price does not hugely effect the demand.


Question 20 of 28


What factors influence price elasticity of demand?

Select one of the following:

  • whether the consumers are aware of substitutes
    whether there is a large comparison between substitutes

  • whether consumers are aware of substitutes
    what proportion of consumer spending is devoted to the product
    is it difficult to compare choices.


Question 21 of 28


What is captive product pricing?

Select one of the following:

  • the pricing of products that are to be used in conjunction with other products - generally when the secondary product is more expensive than the product itself.

  • jjj


Question 22 of 28


what is loss leader pricing?

Select one of the following:

  • is when retailers price something lower than its normal price level in the hope to get attention and that people will purchase other items whilst in the store.

  • akjdsafajadlji


Question 23 of 28


what are the stages in strategic and market planning - and why are they the same?

Select one of the following:

  • it is the same because advances in strategic market planning have been so great and is now so important it is shortened to 'market planning'

    It is
    planning - situation analysis, market product focus, goal setting and marketing program
    implementing and control

  • ahdh;djdf


Question 24 of 28


give examples of the tools used for
situation analysis
BCG matrix
Four market product strategies.

Select one of the following:

  • Situation analysis - SWOT

    BCG matrix
    is a matrix of where a company sits in reference to competitors with the reference to question marks, dogs, cash cows and Stars

    Four market product strategies
    developing market
    developing product
    Market penetration

  • mjkkj


Question 25 of 28


What are the four market product strategies? and what do each mean?

Select one of the following:

  • market penetration - same market, same product
    developmental product
    developmental market

  • Market development
    Product development
    Market penetration


Question 26 of 28


define product:

Select one of the following:

  • a good, service or idea that satisfies the needs of the customer

  • a good, service, or idea consisting of tangible and intangible features that satisfies a consumers needs and is received in return for money or unit of value


Question 27 of 28


what are the marketing channel functions performed by intermediaries?

Select one of the following:

  • transactional functions
    logistical functions
    facilitating functions

  • dddd


Question 28 of 28


what is franchising?

Select one of the following:

  • it is a contractual agreement between and organisation and an individual or firm to operate a specific type of business under an already established name with certain rules.

  • it is a contractual agreement between a parent company and an individual or firm allowing them to operate a certain type of business under an already established name and following particular rules
