Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

IBD Biology (Unit 9 : Energy Transfer In Cell II) Quiz on Photosynthesis : The Light-Dependent Reactions { 2 }, created by cloud.berry on 01/10/2013.

Created by cloud.berry almost 11 years ago

Photosynthesis : The Light-Dependent Reactions { 2 }

Question 1 of 15


In the light-dependent stage, ___ energy is trapped by photosynthetic ___, ___. Its ___ occur ___ called ___ which are held in the ___ of the ___.

Select one of the following:

  • light | pigment | chlorophyll | molecules | grouped together in structures | photosystems | thylakoid membranes | grana

  • chemical | pigment | chlorophyll | molecules | grouped together in structures | lightsystems | thylakoid membranes | grana

  • light | pigment | chlorophyll | molecules | haphazardly which are also | photosystems | membranes | grana

  • light | molecules | chlorophyll | pigment | grouped together in organelles | chlorosystems | stroma | grana


Question 2 of 15


In each ___, several ___ ___ molecules plus ___ pigments ( ___ & ___ ) are arranged.

Select one of the following:

  • photosystem | hundred | chlorophyll | accessory | carotene | xanthophylls

  • chlorophyll | hundred | photsystem | accessory | carotene | xanthophylls

  • photosystem | thousand | chlorophyll | extra | carroteen | xanthophylls

  • photosystem | hundred | stroma | additional | carotene | xanthopills


Question 3 of 15


All these ___ ___ harvest ___ energy and funnel it to a ___ chlorophyll ___ of the ___; this is known as the ___ and different ___ around it absorb ___ energy of slightly differnt wavelengths.

Select one of the following:

  • pigment | molecules | light | single | molecule | photosystem | reaction centre | pigments | light

  • grana | molecules | chemical | a few | atoms | photosystem | reaction centre | chemicals | chemical

  • pigment | molecules | light | multiple | molecules | photosystem | epicentre | pigments | chemical

  • pigment | molecules | chemical | single | molecule | photosystem | reaction point | pigments | light


Question 4 of 15


There are two types of photosystem present in the ___ of the __ and these are photosystem I which has a reaction centre acivated by ___ of wavelength ___.
Photosystem II has a reaction centre activated by __ of wavelength ___ and is referred to as ___; Photosystem I is known as ___.

Select one of the following:

  • thylakoid membranes | grana | light | 700nm | light | 680nm | P680 | P700

  • thylakoid membranes | grana | chemical | 700mm | light | 680mm | P700 | P680

  • grana | thylakoid membranes | light | 700nm | light | 680nm | P680 | P700

  • Stroma | grana | light | 900nm | light | 680nm | P680 | P900


Question 5 of 15


Although they have specific and differing roles, ___ I and II occur ___ in the ___ of the __, along with specific ___ i.e. ___ & ___.

Select one of the following:

  • photosystems | grouped together | thylakoid membranes | grana | proteins | enzymes | electron carrier molecules

  • reactions | separately | thylakoid membranes | grana | proteins | carrier proteins | electron carrier molecules

  • photosystems | grouped together | thylakoid membranes | grana | molecules | enzymes | proton carrier molecules

  • granules | joined | stroma | chlorophyll | proteins | enzymes | electrons


Question 6 of 15


Although they have specific and differing roles, ___ I and II occur ___ in the ___ of the __, along with specific ___ i.e. ___ & ___.

Select one of the following:

  • photosystems | grouped together | thylakoid membranes | grana | proteins | enzymes | electron carrier molecules

  • reactions | separately | thylakoid membranes | grana | proteins | carrier proteins | electron carrier molecules

  • photosystems | grouped together | thylakoid membranes | grana | molecules | enzymes | proton carrier molecules

  • granules | joined | stroma | chlorophyll | proteins | enzymes | electrons


Question 7 of 15


Enzymes catalyse :

Select one or more of the following:

  • the splitting of water into hydrogen ions, electrons and oxygen atoms.

  • the formation of ATP from ADP and phosphate (Pi).

  • the conversion of oxidised H-carrier (NADP+) to reduced carrier (NADPH + H+).

  • the splitting of hydrogen into hydrogen ions & electrons.

  • the formation of ADP from ATP and phosphate (Pi).

  • the conversion of oxidised H-carrier (NAD+) to reduced carrier (NADH + H+).


Question 8 of 15


When ___ reaches the reaction centre, ___ of the key ___ molecule are ___ to an '___' state by the ___ energy received.

Select one of the following:

  • light | ground-state electrons | chlorophyll | raised | excited | light

  • chemical | ground-state electrons | stroma | raised | excited | light

  • light | sky-state electrons | chlorophyll | lowered | excited | chemical

  • light | ground-state protons | chlorophyll | raised | dejected | light


Question 9 of 15


As a result, ___ energy ___ are released from this ___ molecule and bring about the ___ changes of the light ___ reactions, whilst the spaces vacated by them are continuously refilled by ___ or ___ ___.

Select one of the following:

  • high | electrons | chlorophyll | biochemical | dependent | non-excited | ground-state | electrons

  • low | electrons | grana | biochemical | dependent | non-excited | ground-state | protons

  • high | electrons | chlorophyll | chemical | dependent | non-state | ground-excited | electrons

  • high | protons | chlorophyll | biochemical | independent | non-excited | ground-state | electrons


Question 10 of 15


First the ___ electrons from photosystem ___ are picked up and passed along a ___.

Select one of the following:

  • excited | II | chain of electron carriers

  • ground-state | II | chain of proton carriers

  • excited | I | chain of electron carriers

  • non-excited | I | chain of hydrogen carriers


Question 11 of 15


As these ___ electrons pass, some of the causes the pumping of ___ from the ___ ___ into the ___, where they accumulate causing the pH to ___.

Select one of the following:

  • excited | protons | chloroplast's | matrix | thylakoid spaces | drop

  • ground-state | hydrogen ions | chloroplast's | matrix | thylakoid spaces | increase

  • excited | hydrogen ions | chloroplast's | membrane | thylakoid membranes | drop

  • excited | hydrogen ions | chloroplast's | matrix | thylakoid spaces | increase


Question 12 of 15


The resulting ___ gradient created across the ___ ___ sustains teh synthesis of ___ and is another example of ___.

Select one of the following:

  • proton | thylakoid | membrane | ATP | chemiosmosis

  • electron | thylakoid | membrane | ADP | chemiosmosis

  • proton | thylakoid | matrix | ATP | chemiosmosis

  • proton | mitochondrial | membrane | ATP | phosphorylation


Question 13 of 15


As a result of these energy transfers, the excitation level of the ___ ___ and they come to fill the vacancies in the ___ of photosystem __. Meanwhile the 'holes' in the ___ of photosystem __ are filled by ___ in their ___ state from ___ molecules.

Select one of the following:

  • electrons | falls back to the ground-state | reaction centre | I | reaction centre | II | electrons | ground | water

  • protons | falls back to the ground-state | epicentre | I | reaction centre | II | electrons | non-excited | water

  • electrons | falls back to the non-excited-state | reaction centre | I | reaction centre | II | protons | ground | hydrogen

  • electrons | stays the same | reaction centre | I | reaction centre | I | electrons | excited | water


Question 14 of 15


The ___ charged '___' in photosystem __ are powerful enough to cause the splitting of ___ ( ___ ) in the presence of a specific ___, which then triggers release of ___ and ___ as well as ___.

Select one of the following:

  • positively | vacancies | II | water | photolysis | enzyme | hydrogen ions | oxygen atoms | ground-state electrons

  • positively | electrons | II | water | electrolysis | enzyme | hydrogen atoms | oxygen ions | ground-state electrons

  • negatively | vacancies | II | hydrogen | photolysis | enzyme | hydrogen ions | oxygen atoms | non-excited-state electrons

  • positively | vacancies | I | water | photolysis | enzyme | hydrogen ions | oxygen atoms | excited electrons


Question 15 of 15


The ___ atoms combine to form ___ -the ___ of photosynthesis; meanwhile the ___ ions are used in the ___ of ___.

Select one of the following:

  • oxygen | molecular oxygen | waste product | hydrogen | reduction | NADP+

  • hydrogen | molecular oxygen | waste product | oxygen | reduction | NADP

  • oxygen | oxygen | waste product | hydrogen | reduction | NAD

  • oxygen | molecular oxygen | product | hydrogen | reduction | NADP+
