Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Test your knowledge on the New York Times Bestseller, "Three Cups of Tea."

Created by viktoriya1 over 9 years ago

Three Cups of Tea

Question 1 of 10


Why is Mortenson first attracted to Korphe?

Select one of the following:

  • He enjoys being idolized by the villagers.

  • He admires the integrity and values of the people.

  • He finds an escape there from his problems in America.

  • He can live cheaply without having to work.


Question 2 of 10


What is Mortenson's most important reason for climbing K2?

Select one of the following:

  • Adding to his achievements as a mountaineer.

  • Making connections with other climbers.

  • Testing his physical and mental limits.

  • Honoring the memory of his sister.


Question 3 of 10


Mortenson attends a prayer service and later meets Syed Abbas in which type of establishment?

Select one of the following:

  • A tailor shop

  • A mosque

  • A gas station

  • A tea shop


Question 4 of 10


How is the school built in Hushe different from the other CAI schools?

Select one of the following:

  • It is decorated with colorful woodwork.

  • It is named after Mortenson's father.

  • It does not admit girls.

  • The village will not donate the land so it must be purchased.


Question 5 of 10


Why is Mortenson called "Dr. Greg" in Pakistan?

Select one of the following:

  • He got the nickname when he used his first aid kit to treat Korphe villagers.

  • Mortenson received an honorary doctorate for his humanitarian work.

  • He was given the nickname by Changazi, who wanted to impress him with flattery.

  • Many people in Pakistan do not know the difference between a nurse and a doctor.


Question 6 of 10


How do Mortenson and Tara Bishop meet?

Select one of the following:

  • She learns about his project and calls him.

  • She approaches him at the American Himalayan Foundation dinner.

  • They are introduced by Tom Vaughan.

  • They meet at a party for Berkeley climbers, hosted by Tara's brother.


Question 7 of 10


How is Mortenson different from most Westerners, according to Twaha?

Select one of the following:

  • He is interested in Islam.

  • He is taller and stronger than other Westerners Twaha has met.

  • He does not mind living simply.

  • He is generous with his money.


Question 8 of 10


Why does Mortenson decide the CAI should focus on providing education through the first five grades?

Select one of the following:

  • Another humanitarian group has begun building schools for the upper grades.

  • Some Pakistani clerics object to higher education.

  • American donors are more willing to give funds for children than for teenagers.

  • Focusing on the early grades will increase the enrollment of girls.


Question 9 of 10


What is a madrassa?

Select one of the following:

  • A training camp for terrorists

  • A temporary shelter for refugees

  • A religious school

  • A type of mountain goat


Question 10 of 10


What factors enable Mortenson to develop trust, first with the Korphe villagers and later with other Pakistanis?

Select one of the following:

  • Respond in an essay format and submit to instructor. Select this answer choice for credit on this quiz.

  • Select the above answer choice to receive credit for this question.
