Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

A quiz to help post mins folks to learn how to play the game the best they can.

Created by pondofdeath over 9 years ago
Copied by pondofdeath over 9 years ago

Roller Derby Gameplay Quiz

Question 1 of 8


You are the jammer, you do not get lead. You do however get through the pack. What do you do?

Select one of the following:

  • Pass the star, maybe your pivot can do better.

  • Skate back around steadily and have a good look where to attack your scoring pass.

  • Chase the opposing jammer down hard.


Question 2 of 8


You are the pivot. Your jammer is coming towards the pack on a scoring pass but the other teams jammer is not far behind. Where do you position your wall?

Select one of the following:

  • In front of the opposing team

  • Behind the opposing team

  • Get your guys in between everyone and cause havoc


Question 3 of 8


You are lead jammer. The opposing jammer has also made it clear of the pack and is hot on your heels and gaining. What do you do?

Select one of the following:

  • Call the jam off

  • Engage the opposing jammer, try and hit them out

  • Have a go at your scoring pass


Question 4 of 8


You are the pivot. The opposing teams jammer lining up on the jam line is a huge monster. Where would be a bad place to position your wall?

Select one of the following:

  • Jam line

  • Pivot line


Question 5 of 8


You are lead jammer. You are nearing the end of a power jam and the opposing jammer has just been told to stand in the penalty box. You have given your all in this jam and are tiring. What do you do.

Select one of the following:

  • You still have the advantage, attempt another pass.

  • Star pass, get the pivots fresher legs on the go.

  • Call off the jam.


Question 6 of 8


You are a pivot. The opposing teams jammer is lead and has already made a scoring pass. Your jammer has yet to make it out of the pack on the initial pass. What do you do?

Select one of the following:

  • Get your act together, stop the opposing jammer at all costs

  • Send one blocker to assist your jammer, so you can still stop the opposing jammer

  • Go total offence and ignore the opposing jammer


Question 7 of 8


You are a blocker, 2 of your fellow blockers have done naughty things and are in the penalty box. It is the start of a new jam. Where is best to line up?

Select one of the following:

  • In front of the opposing team

  • Jam line


Question 8 of 8


You are lead jammer. You are half way around the track approaching a scoring pass when the opposing jammer makes it out of the pack on their initial pass. What do you do?

Select one of the following:

  • Call it off

  • Engage the opposing jammer and hit them out

  • Attempt a scoring pass
