Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

This is from what you emailed me on Sunday

Created by grayere over 9 years ago

Practice Exams (Emailed on Sunday) Part 1

Question 1 of 35


A 165-pound (75g) athlete has an average daily intake of 450 grams of carbohydrate, 75 grams of protein, and 100 grams of fat. What percent of the total kilo calorie intake is carbohydrate?

Select one of the following:

  • 25

  • 45

  • 60


Question 2 of 35


A 110-pound (50 kg) marathon runner started her pre-race taper and chose to carbohydrate load prior to the race. Approximately how many grams of carbohydrates should she consume per day?

Select one of the following:

  • 500

  • 880

  • 1100


Question 3 of 35


As compared to males, the potential for force production of females per muscle cross-sectional area is:

Select one of the following:

  • Equal

  • Higher

  • Lower


Question 4 of 35


Which of the following cardiovascular adaptations to chronic aerobic exercise contribute the most to improved aerobic endurance performance?

Select one of the following:

  • Increased maximal cardiac output

  • Decreased resting blood pressure

  • Decreased resting heart rate


Question 5 of 35


Which of the following events occurs in the hamstring muscles during the concentric muscle action of the leg (knee) curl exercise?

Select one of the following:

  • Each sarcomere is stimulated by a motor neuron

  • The actin cross bridges attach to the myosin filaments

  • The H-zone decreases as the Z- discs are pulled toward each other


Question 6 of 35


The depletion of which of the following fuel sources may contribute to fatigue in prolonged aerobic endurance events AND repeated anaerobic exercise bouts?

Select one of the following:

  • Muscle glycogen

  • Triglycerides

  • Creatine phosphate


Question 7 of 35


Which of the following competitive situations would inspire and athlete with a high motive to achieve success (MAS)?

Select one of the following:

  • A competition that causes a fear that there is a threat to self-esteem

  • A challenging situation in which the probability of success to failure is even

  • An extremely difficult situation in which the likelihood of success is limited


Question 8 of 35


Which of the following is a characteristic of fast twitch muscle fibers?

Select one of the following:

  • High power output

  • Low anaerobic enzyme content

  • High resistance to fatigue


Question 9 of 35


During isokinetic testing at higher angular velocities (≥ 240 degrees/sec), what is the approximate torque capability of eccentric muscle actions as compared to concentric muscle actions?

Select one of the following:

  • 120% lower

  • 120% greater

  • 60% greater


Question 10 of 35


An untrained college-aged athlete begins a resistance training program. After training for three weeks, her strength increases dramatically. Which of the following is the MOST influential factor responsible for this improvement?

Select one of the following:

  • Increased quantity of muscle fibers

  • Improved neuromuscular efficiency

  • Increased cross sectional area of muscle fibers


Question 11 of 35


All of the following are the potential indicators of overtraining EXCEPT:

Select one of the following:

  • Decreased exercise heart rate

  • Increased resting blood pressure

  • Decreased muscle glycogen stores


Question 12 of 35


A 6-foot 2-inch (188 cm), 220-pound (100-kg) college football player desires to gain muscle weight. Which of the following should be his fist nutritional priority if his current 3000 calories/day intake consists of 18% protein (1.4g/kg) 55% carbohydrate (4.1g/kg), and 27% fat (.9g/kg)?

Select one of the following:

  • Decrease carbohydrate

  • Increase calories

  • Increase protein


Question 13 of 35


Which of the following muscles is an antagonist to the deltoid muscle during the upward movement phase of the seated barbell shoulder press?

Select one of the following:

  • Supraspinatus

  • Latissimus dori

  • Trapezius


Question 14 of 35


A junior college basketball forward is administered a battery of tests to determine her training status. Based upon the results shown below, her training program should be designed to emphasize improvements in which of the following areas?
Height 69in (175cm)
Weight: 150lbs (68kg)
Percent body fat 20%
1RM bench press 100lbs (45kg)
1RM squat 215lbs (98kg)
Vertical jump 19 in (48cm)

Select one of the following:

  • Lower body strength

  • Upper body strength

  • Body composition


Question 15 of 35


Which of the following structures of a sarcomere shrinks when a muscle fully contracts?

Select one of the following:

  • Z-line

  • A-band

  • H-zone


Question 16 of 35


Performance in which of the following events has been shown to be MOST enhanced be creatine supplementation?

Select one of the following:

  • 100-m (109-ys) sprint

  • 5-km (3.1-mile) race

  • 10-km (6.2-mile) race


Question 17 of 35


After consistently following an aerobic endurance training program for six months, a previously untrained individual will experience which of the following physiological changes?

Select one of the following:

  • decreased maximal tidal volume

  • increase maximal blood pressure

  • increased resting stroke volume


Question 18 of 35


Which of the following is the minimum recommended amount of fluid to drink and the timing of the fluid intake prior to an exercise session?

Select one of the following:

  • 1 pint (0.5 L) 1 hour

  • 1 pint (0.5 L) 2 hours

  • 1 quart (0.9 L) 2 hours


Question 19 of 35


A female marathoner travels to a high-altitude race venue (5280 feet or 1625 meters) from her sea-level training location. Which of the following describes an immediate (not chronic) physiological adjustment?

Select one of the following:

  • increased submaximal cardiac output

  • decreased tidal volume

  • increased hematocrit


Question 20 of 35


A member of the cross-country team has recently become withdrawn and her teammates notice she is increasingly more concerned about her weight. Which of the following additional behaviors are warning signs or symptoms that may indicate an eating disorder?

I. she elects only healthy foods to eat
II. she occasionally misses her menstrual cycle
III. she appears to have lost a significant amount of weight
IV. when asked, she denies that she may have an eating disorder

Select one of the following:

  • I and II only

  • III and IV only

  • II and IV only


Question 21 of 35


When comparing the power production produced by two athletes performing the back squat, the strength and conditioning professional should use which of the following formulas to calculate power?

Select one of the following:

  • acceleration/force

  • force x distance

  • work/time


Question 22 of 35


Which of the following types of food is the best source of complete proteins?

Select one of the following:

  • beans

  • grains

  • eggs


Question 23 of 35


Which of the following activities occurs primarily in transverse plane?

Select one of the following:

  • swinging bat

  • shooting a basketball

  • setting a volleyball


Question 24 of 35


A 115-pound (61-kg) softball player has an average daily nutrient intake of 325 grams of carbohydrate, 55 grams of protein, and 75 grams of fat. Approximately what percent of her total caloric intake is protein?

Select one of the following:

  • 10%

  • 12%

  • 24%


Question 25 of 35


Which of the following may hinder an athlete’s focus during competitive sport performance?

Select one of the following:

  • a sense of personal control

  • attention to task-relevant cues

  • analysis of the required motor skills


Question 26 of 35


Which of the following components of mechanical load is the LEAST important for stimulating new bone formation

Select one of the following:

  • rest period

  • rate of loading

  • direction of force


Question 27 of 35


The ventilatory structures in which gas exchange occurs during respiration are the:

Select one of the following:

  • capillaries

  • alveoli

  • bronchioles


Question 28 of 35


Which of the following is an approximate rest interval for a middle distance runner performing 440-yard (400-m) running sprint intervals in 60 seconds?

Select one of the following:

  • 3 minutes

  • 2 minutes

  • 60 seconds


Question 29 of 35


A female professional basketball player is using interval training during preseason conditioning to prepare for the upcoming season. Which of the following exercise interval duration and intensity combinations will MOST effectively simulate the metabolic demands of a basketball game?

Select one of the following:

  • 10 seconds 95% intensity

  • 30 seconds 75% intensity

  • 2 minutes 60% intensity


Question 30 of 35


Which of the following are the primary and secondary factors that MOST determine which energy system an athlete will predominately rely on during an exercise session?

Primary Secondary
exercise mode available energy stores
exercise duration exercise intensity
exercise intensity exercise duration

Select one of the following:

  • exercise mode available energy stores

  • exercise duration exercise intensity

  • exercise intensity exercise duration


Question 31 of 35


Which of the following goals of resistance training involves training loads (%1RM) that are MOST associated with increases in serum testosterone concentrations?

Select one of the following:

  • muscular strength

  • muscular endurance

  • muscular hypertrophy


Question 32 of 35


The parent of a child informs the strength and conditioning professional that her child has been placed in stage 1 Tanner’s classification. What does this classification assess?

Select one of the following:

  • chronological age

  • training age

  • biological age


Question 33 of 35


Which of the following exercises involves a second-class lever?

Select one of the following:

  • seated calf (heel) raise

  • standing dumbbell biceps curl

  • lying triceps extension


Question 34 of 35


A high school American football player would like to increase his strength and muscle mass. Up to this point, his average caloric intake of 2,200/day has allowed him to maintain a bodyweight of 160 pounds (73kg). If he would like to gain 10 pounds (4.5 kg) by eating an extra 500 kcals/day and following a resistance training program, approximately how many weeks would it take for him to reach his desired weight? (for purposes of this question, assume that all of the weight gain will be LBM.)

Select one of the following:

  • 2

  • 7

  • 10


Question 35 of 35


When a motor unit is stimulated, all of its innervated muscle fibers fully contract due to:

Select one of the following:

  • the principle of selective recruitment

  • the size principle

  • the all-or-none law
