Al Huda Canada
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Al Huda Canada
Created by Al Huda Canada over 9 years ago

Fahm al-Qur'an Juz' 12 Part 2 Quiz

Question 1 of 5


When we ask forgiveness of our Lord and then repent to Him ﷻ...

Select one of the following:

  • We get very disappointed and depressed

  • We become doubtful and end up having negative feelings

  • We are showered with rain from the sky and given an increase in our strength


Question 2 of 5


The guests came to Ibrahim عليه السلام and did not eat a roasted calf prepared for them because:

Select one of the following:

  • They were not feeling very hungry at that time

  • They did not like to eat meat as their meal

  • They were angels who do not eat


Question 3 of 5


What did the wife of Ibrahim عليه السلام say upon hearing the good news that she will be blessed with children?

Select one of the following:

  • "It is impossible, I can never give birth"

  • "I don't think this can ever happen, I am too old to have children"

  • "Shall I give birth while I am old, Indeed this is an amazing thing"


Question 4 of 5


The message of Shu'ayb عليه السلام for his people was:

Select one of the following:

  • "Injustice on earth is allowed if others are unjust to you"

  • "Give full measure and weight in justice and do not deprive people their due right"

  • " Walk on this earth with pride and don't worry about being just and true all the time."


Question 5 of 5


Allah ﷻ would not have destroyed the cities...

Select one of the following:

  • If the people were sleeping all the time

  • If the people were busy socializing with each other

  • If the people were reformers
