Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Check your knowledge of claim dates and effective dates

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Created by informationhub over 10 years ago

Claim Dates

Question 1 of 2


Customer is a single person, eligible to claim Housing Benefits. They have been in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance since 13/02/2014, and moved into their current address on 05th March 2014 - the same date their tenancy began. The contacted us by email on 25th March 2014 advising us they wanted to claim and eventually submitted a claim form on 31st March 2014. Based on the above, which of the following is correct:

Select one of the following:

  • Claim Date: 25/03/2014
    Receipt Date: 31/03/2014
    Start Date: 31/03/2014
    First Week Indicator: N

  • Claim Date: 25/03/2014
    Receipt Date: 31/03/2014
    Start Date: 07/04/2014
    First Week Indicator: N

  • Claim Date: 05/03/2014
    Receipt Date: 25/03/2014
    Start Date: 05/03/2014
    First Week Indicator: Y

  • Claim Date: 05/03/2014
    Receipt Date: 31/03/2014
    Start Date: 05/03/2014
    First Week Indicator: Y

  • Claim Date: 25/03/2014
    Receipt Date: 31/03/2014
    Start Date: 10/03/2014
    First Week Indicator: N

  • Claim Date: 05/03/2014
    Receipt Date: 31/03/2014
    Start Date: 10/03/2014
    First Week Indicator: N


Question 2 of 2


Customer is a lone parent with 1 non-dependant and 3 dependants; she is eligible to claim Housing Benefits though is subject to the overall benefit cap. She has been in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance since 25th February 2014 and prior to this was working full time. She moved into her current address on 20th February 2014 - the same date her tenancy began. She came into the office on 16th March 2014 and submitted a claim form. Based on the above, which of the following is correct:

Select one of the following:

  • Claim Date: 16/03/2014
    Receipt Date: 16/03/2014
    Start Date: 20/02/2014
    First Week Indicator: Y

  • Claim Date: 20/02/2014
    Receipt Date: 16/03/2014
    Start Date: 20/02/2014
    First Week Indicator: Y

  • Claim Date: 25/02/2014
    Receipt Date: 16/03/2014
    Start Date: 20/02/2014
    First Week Indicator: Y

  • Claim Date: 25/02/2014
    Receipt Date: 16/03/2014
    Start Date: 03/03/2014
    First Week Indicator: N

  • Claim Date: 25/02/2014
    Receipt Date: 16/03/2014
    Start Date: 20/02/2014
    First Week Indicator: N
