Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Chapter 12

Created by turquoise_cat over 10 years ago

Budgeting and Performance Management

Question 1 of 10


All of the following are objectives of activity-based cost (ABC) accounting in government except

Select one of the following:

  • To preserve, at a minimum, the present quality and availability of services.

  • To help find lower cost alternatives to providing services.

  • To link customer (taxpayer) satisfaction to improvements in the operating systems used to provide goods and services.

  • To make increases in the volume of services dependent on reducing costs.


Question 2 of 10


Which of the following has contributed most to governments' increased interest in activity-based accounting?

Select one of the following:

  • GASB standards.

  • Implementation of innovative management approaches (such as TQM and SEA measures) in response to public demand for greater accountability and productivity.

  • Increased demand for high profile management tools to bolster the image of government.

  • The Single Audit Act of 1984 (and 1996 Amendments).


Question 3 of 10


Balanced scorecards integrate all of the following into a document that can be shared with employees and stakeholders except

Select one of the following:

  • GASB financial reporting standards.

  • Internal business processes measures.

  • Nonfinancial measures, such as customer satisfaction.

  • Financial performance measures.


Question 4 of 10


Which of the following kinds of cost accounting would be least useful for governmental budgeting?

Select one of the following:

  • Process.

  • Job order.

  • Standard.

  • Variable.


Question 5 of 10


Which of the following costs incurred by a city for a federal grant program would likely be considered unallowable under OMB Circular A-87?

Select one of the following:

  • Depreciation expense on equipment.

  • The salary of the person administering the grant.

  • Salary expense of the mayor.

  • Advertising for a secretary to help the program administrator.


Question 6 of 10


Which of the following costs would be allowable under OMB Circular A-87?

Select one of the following:

  • Advertising on the Internet by a defense contractor.

  • Lobbying for continuation of an educational program by the school administrator.

  • Indirect costs of the state legislature.

  • Depreciation expense on the equipment used in a federal research grant.


Question 7 of 10


State and local governments and not-for-profit organizations that receive grants or contracts from the federal government should charge costs of these grants or contracts in conformity with

Select one of the following:

  • Cost Accounting Standards Board standards.

  • Office of Management and Budget cost circulars.

  • Financial Accounting Standards Board standards.

  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board standards.


Question 8 of 10


Which basis of accounting best contributes to measuring the cost of services for rational budgeting purposes?

Select one of the following:

  • Accrual.

  • Modified cash.

  • Modified accrual.

  • Cash.


Question 9 of 10


Which of the following might appropriately be termed an outcome indicator for a police department that reports service efforts and accomplishments (SEA) indicators?

Select one of the following:

  • Number of crimes investigated.

  • Value of property lost due to crime.

  • Hours of patrol.

  • Number of personnel hours expended.


Question 10 of 10


Which of the following is not an element of a typical governmental total quality management (TQM) structure?

Select one of the following:

  • Customer orientation.

  • Support and commitment of top-level officials.

  • Strong central control over personnel classifications, budget allocations, and procurement.

  • Reduction of barriers to productivity and quality improvement.
