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Quiz on Earth Science chapter 7 part 1, created by saradiaz16 on 08/05/2014.

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Created by saradiaz16 over 10 years ago

Earth Science chapter 7 part 1

Question 1 of 54


________ was an ancient reptile that lived in South America and Africa during the late Paleozoic.

Select one of the following:

  • Granopteris

  • Monastarious

  • Glossopteris

  • Mesosaurus


Question 2 of 54


In the early part of the twentieth century, ________ argued forcefully for continental drift.

Select one of the following:

  • Karl Wagner

  • Peter Rommel

  • Alfred Wegener

  • Bill Kohl


Question 3 of 54


The former late Paleozoic super continent is known as ________.

Select one of the following:

  • Pandomonia

  • Pancakea

  • Pangaea

  • Panatopia


Question 4 of 54


Today, ________ is in about the same geographic position as during late Paleozoic time.

Select one of the following:

  • India

  • South America

  • Australia

  • Antarctica


Question 5 of 54


Which of the following paleoclimatic evidence supports the idea of the late Paleozoic supercontinent in the Southern Hemisphere?

Select one of the following:

  • lithified loess (wind-blown) deposits in the deserts of Chile, Australia, and Africa

  • tillites (rocks formed by glaciers) in South Africa and South America

  • thick sediments in the Amazon and Congo deltas of South America and Africa

  • cold water fossils in the deep-water sediments of the South Atlantic abyssal plain


Question 6 of 54


The ________ is an example of an active, continent-continent collision.

Select one of the following:

  • Arabian Peninsula slamming into North Africa under the Red Sea

  • westward movement of the South American plate over the Nazca plate

  • northern movement of Baja California and a sliver of western California toward the Hawaiian Islands

  • northward movement of India into Eurasia


Question 7 of 54


Pull-apart rift zones are generally associated with a ________ plate boundary.

Select one of the following:

  • transform

  • divergent

  • convergent

  • all plate boundaries


Question 8 of 54


The temperature below which magnetic material can retain a permanent magnetization is called the ________.

Select one of the following:

  • Darcy temperature

  • Vine temperature

  • Bullard point

  • Curie point


Question 9 of 54


A very long-lived magma source located deep in the mantle is called a ________.

Select one of the following:

  • magma welt

  • basalt spout

  • melt well

  • hot spot


Question 10 of 54


Linear, magnetic patterns associated with mid-ocean ridges are configured as ________.

Select one of the following:

  • concentric circles about a rising plume of hot mantle rocks and magma

  • reversed magnetizations along the rift valleys and normal magnetizations along the ridge

  • normal and reversed magnetized strips roughly parallel to the ridge

  • normal and reversed magnetized strips roughly perpendicular to the ridge axis


Question 11 of 54


The ________ is (are) a logical evolutionary analog of the African Rift Valleys ten million years from now.

Select one of the following:

  • Ural Mountains

  • San Andreas fault

  • Peru-Chile trench

  • Red Sea


Question 12 of 54


A typical rate of seafloor spreading in the Atlantic Ocean is ________.

Select one of the following:

  • 2 feet per year

  • 0.1 inches per year

  • 20 feet per year

  • 2 centimeters per year


Question 13 of 54


Which of the following energy sources is thought to drive the lateral motions of Earth's lithospheric plates?

Select one of the following:

  • gravitational attractive forces of the Sun and Moon

  • electrical and magnetic fields localized in the inner core

  • export of heat from deep in the mantle to the top of the asthenosphere

  • swirling movements of the molten iron particles in the outer core


Question 14 of 54


The continental drift hypothesis was rejected primarily because Alfred Wegener could not ________.

Select one of the following:

  • find geologic similarities on different continents

  • disprove competing theories that were more accepted by scientists

  • identify a mechanism capable of moving continents

  • all of the above


Question 15 of 54


All of the following are evidence supporting the theory of plate tectonics except for ________.

Select one of the following:

  • changes in the Moon's orbit due to shifting plates

  • ocean floor drilling

  • hot spots

  • paleomagnetism


Question 16 of 54


________ was never proposed as evidence supporting the existence of Pangaea.

Select one of the following:

  • Geometrical fit between South America and Africa

  • Islands of Precambrian rocks along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

  • Late Paleozoic glacial features

  • Similar fossils on different continents


Question 17 of 54


Which one of the following most accurately describes the volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands?

Select one of the following:

  • stratovolcanoes associated with subduction and a convergent plate boundary

  • shield volcanoes fed by a long-lived hot spot below the Pacific lithospheric plate

  • shield volcanoes associated with a mid-Pacific ridge and spreading center

  • stratovolcanoes associated with a mid-Pacific transform fault


Question 18 of 54


Which of the following statements apply to the asthenosphere, but not the lithosphere?

Select one of the following:

  • zone in the upper mantle that deforms by plastic flowage

  • cool, rigid layer of crust and upper mantle that forms the tectonic plates

  • deforms mainly by brittle fracturing and faulting

  • partial melting of rising granitic plumes produces huge volumes of basaltic magma


Question 19 of 54


Which of the following statements apply to the asthenosphere, but not the lithosphere?

Select one of the following:

  • zone in the upper mantle that deforms by plastic flowage

  • cool, rigid layer of crust and upper mantle that forms the tectonic plates

  • deforms mainly by brittle fracturing and faulting

  • partial melting of rising granitic plumes produces huge volumes of basaltic magma


Question 20 of 54


New oceanic crust and lithosphere are formed at ________.

Select one of the following:

  • divergent boundaries by submarine eruptions and intrusions of rhyolitic magma

  • convergent boundaries by submarine eruptions and intrusions of rhyolitic magma

  • divergent boundaries by submarine eruptions and intrusions of basaltic magma

  • convergent boundaries by submarine eruptions and intrusions of basaltic magma


Question 21 of 54


Cooler, older, oceanic lithosphere sinks into the mantle at ________.

Select one of the following:

  • subduction zones along convergent plate boundaries

  • transform fault zones along divergent plate boundaries

  • rift zones along mid-ocean ridges

  • sites of long-lived, hot spot volcanism in the ocean basins


Question 22 of 54


Deep ocean trenches are surficial evidence for ________.

Select one of the following:

  • rifting beneath a continental plate and the beginning of continental drift

  • sinking of oceanic lithosphere into the mantle at a subduction zone

  • rising of hot asthenosphere from deep in the mantle

  • transform faulting between an oceanic plate and a continental plate


Question 23 of 54


A transform plate boundary is characterized by ________.

Select one of the following:

  • stratovolcanoes on the edge of a plate and shield volcanoes on the adjacent plate

  • two converging oceanic plates meeting head-on and piling up into a mid-ocean ridge

  • a divergent boundary where the continental plate changes to an oceanic plate

  • a deep, vertical fault along which two plates slide past one another in opposite directions


Question 24 of 54


Which one of the following is an important fundamental assumption underlying the plate tectonic theory?

Select one of the following:

  • Earth's magnetic field originates in the outer core.

  • Earth's diameter has been essentially constant over time

  • Radioactive decay slows down at the extreme pressures of the inner core.

  • Earth's ocean basins are very old and stable features


Question 25 of 54


The modern-day Red Sea is explained by plate tectonics theory because it is ________.

Select one of the following:

  • a tiny remnant of a once immense ocean that was closed as Africa moved toward Asia

  • the site of a transform fault along which Arabia is moving away from Africa

  • a rift zone that may eventually open into a major ocean if Arabia and Africa continue to separate

  • a rare example of a two-continent subduction zone where the African continental plate is sinking under the Arabian continental plate


Question 26 of 54


Mount St. Helens and the other Cascade volcanoes are ________.

Select one of the following:

  • young, active stratovolcanoes built on a continental margin above a sinking slab of oceanic lithosphere

  • a row of young, active, shield volcanoes built as western North America moved over a hot spot deep in the mantle

  • old, deeply eroded stratovolcanoes built before the Pacific Ocean existed

  • old, deeply eroded, basaltic shield volcanoes built when western North America was over the present-day site of the Hawaiian hot spot


Question 27 of 54


The volcanoes and deep valleys of east Africa are related to a ________.

Select one of the following:

  • continental rift along which parts of the African continent are beginning to slowly separate

  • fault allowing Arabia to slip westward past east Africa and penetrate into Turkey

  • transform fault aligned with the Red Sea carrying the Arabian and African blocks in opposite directions

  • continental collision zone between Africa and the Zagros Mountains along the southern margin of Eurasia


Question 28 of 54


The Aleutian Islands occur at a ________.

Select one of the following:

  • convergent boundary on a volcanic arc above a northward-subducting Pacific plate

  • transform boundary where North America has moved towards Alaska

  • divergent boundary where shield volcanoes are forming

  • convergent, continental margin with uplifted fault blocks, much like those of the Basin and Range Province


Question 29 of 54


________ most effectively outline the edges of the lithospheric plates.

Select one of the following:

  • Lines of active stratovolcanoes

  • Margins of the continental shelves

  • The locations of deep mantle hot spots

  • Lines of earthquake epicenters


Question 30 of 54


Deep-oceanic trenches are most abundant around the rim of the ________ ocean basin.

Select one of the following:

  • Atlantic

  • Indian

  • Arctic

  • Pacific


Question 31 of 54


Where would you drill to recover samples of the oldest basalts of the oceanic crust, which are Jurassic in age?

Select one of the following:

  • crest of the East Pacific, mid-ocean ridge

  • oceanic side of the Aleutian trench

  • just offshore from the Hawaiian Islands

  • Mid-Atlantic Ridge under Iceland


Question 32 of 54


________ first related the symmetrical magnetic patterns in seafloor basalts to seafloor spreading at a mid-ocean ridge.

Select one of the following:

  • Evans and Novak

  • Vine and Matthews

  • Matthews and Marks

  • Wegener and Wilson


Question 33 of 54


Early results of the Deep Sea Drilling Project clearly justified the conclusion that ________.

Select one of the following:

  • the oceans have not always contained most of Earth's water

  • the ocean basins are relatively young; most ocean basin rocks and sediments are Cretaceous or younger in age

  • Proterozoic rocks are found only as seamounts in the deepest parts of the ocean basins

  • the youngest sediments were deposited directly on the oldest seafloor basalts


Question 34 of 54


Choose the option which does not fit the pattern.

Select one of the following:

  • fossil evidence

  • fit of the continents

  • paleomagnetism

  • paleoclimates


Question 35 of 54


Choose the option which does not fit the pattern.

Select one of the following:

  • Curie point

  • paleomagnetism

  • magnetic poles

  • polar


Question 36 of 54


Choose the option which does not fit the pattern.

Select one of the following:

  • oceanic ridge

  • seafloor spreading

  • arc volcanoes

  • divergent


Question 37 of 54


Choose the option which does not fit the pattern.

Select one of the following:

  • Hawaii

  • island arc

  • volcanic arc

  • subduction


Question 38 of 54


Choose the option which does not fit the pattern.

Select one of the following:

  • Hawaii

  • island arc

  • volcanic arc

  • subduction


Question 39 of 54


Choose the option which does not fit the pattern

Select one of the following:

  • slab pull

  • mantle drag

  • ridge push

  • slab suction


Question 40 of 54


The oldest rocks on the seafloor are much younger than the oldest rocks on the continents.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 41 of 54


Earth's radius and surface area are slowly increasing to accommodate the new oceanic crust being formed at mid-ocean ridges.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 42 of 54


Hawaii is the oldest island of the Hawaiian Island chain.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 43 of 54


The oldest rocks of the oceanic crust are found in deep ocean trenches far away from active, mid-ocean ridges

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 44 of 54


As the South Atlantic basin widens by seafloor spreading, Africa and South America are moving closer together.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 45 of 54


In general, rocks of the continental crust are less dense than rocks of the oceanic crust.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 46 of 54


During various times in the geologic past, the polarity of Earth's magnetic field has been reversed.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 47 of 54


The rate of seafloor spreading is, on the average, about one meter per year.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 48 of 54


Wegener's continental drift hypothesis was weakened because a viable mechanism for moving the continents was lacking.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 49 of 54


During the geologic past, the magnetic field poles have generally been very close to Earth's rotational poles.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 50 of 54


Seafloor spreading rates can be estimated if the geologic ages of the magnetic field reversals are independently known.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 51 of 54


The volcanoes of Hawaii are localized above a deep mantle hot spot; they are not part of the East Pacific oceanic ridge

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 52 of 54


Iceland is a good example of an island arc, formed from an oceanic-oceanic plate collision.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 53 of 54


An extensive, late Paleozoic glaciation affected southern India, southern Africa and southeastern South America.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 54 of 54


The Himalayan Mountains are the tectonic product of a collision between India and Eurasia that began in Eocene time and still continues.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False
