Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Psychology Quiz on PSYB1 - Gender, created by hutchinson184 on 14/05/2013.

Created by hutchinson184 over 11 years ago

PSYB1 - Gender

Question 1 of 19


What is sex?

Select one of the following:

  • Refers to the biological aspects of the individual, which makes them male or female.

  • Refers to the environmental aspects of the individual which makes them male or female.


Question 2 of 19


What is gender?

Select one of the following:

  • Refers to the biological aspects of being male or female

  • refers to the environmental aspects of being male or female


Question 3 of 19


What is androgyny?

Select one of the following:

  • a female that possesses more stereotypically male characteristics than female characteristics

  • a male that possesses more stereotically female characteristics than male characteristics

  • an individual who possesses similar amounts of characteristics regarded as both typically masculine and feminine


Question 4 of 19


What are sex role stereotypes?

Select one of the following:

  • Biologically determined beliefs about what a particular sex's gender role should be

  • Culturally determined beliefs about what a particular sex's gender role should be.


Question 5 of 19


What is Nature?

Select one of the following:

  • refers to a belief that gender differences in behaviour are determined by genetics and hormonal factors

  • refers to the belief that gender differences in behaviour are determined by cultural and social factors


Question 6 of 19


What is Nurture?

Select one of the following:

  • A belief that gender differences in behaviour are determined by genetic and hormonal factors

  • A belief that gender differences in behaviour are determined by social and culteral factors


Question 7 of 19


What chromosome pattern does someone with Turners Syndrome have?

Select one of the following:

  • xx

  • xy

  • xo

  • xxy


Question 8 of 19


What are the physical effects of Turners syndrome?

Select one of the following:

  • Underdeveloped ovaries
    Underdeveloped breasts
    Webbed Neck
    Dont have periods

  • Appear male
    development of breasts
    less body hair
    underdeveloped testicles
    can be infertile


Question 9 of 19


What are the mental affects of Turners syndrome?

Select one of the following:

  • Higher than average verbal ability
    Lower than average spatial ability, spatial memory and mathematical ability

  • Poor language skills
    May not be able to talk
    Poor language skills affect reading ability
    passive and co-operative temperament as babies
    Calmness and shyness remains with them throughout their lives


Question 10 of 19


What are the mental affects of klinefelters syndrome?

Select one of the following:

  • Higher than average verbal ability
    Lower than average spatial ability, visual memory and mathematical ability

  • Poor language skills
    May not be able to talk
    Poor language skills affect reading ability
    passive and co-operative temperament as babies
    Calmness and shyness remains with them throughout their lives


Question 11 of 19


What are the physical affects of klinefelters syndrome?

Select one of the following:

  • Male appearance
    Development of breasts
    Less body hair
    Underdeveloped testicles
    Can be infertile

  • Normal female appearance
    Ovaries have failed to develop
    Don't develop breasts
    Don't have periods
    Webbed Neck


Question 12 of 19


What is Modelling?

Select one of the following:

  • To demonstrate or display behaviour in the way of actions of a role model

  • Where an individual copies behaviour they have observed


Question 13 of 19


What is Imitation?

Select one of the following:

  • To demonstrate or display behaviour in the way of actions of a role model

  • This is where an individual copies the behaviour which they have observed


Question 14 of 19


What is Identification?

Select one of the following:

  • Where an individual copies the behaviour which the have observed

  • To demonstrate or display behaviour in the way of actions of a role model

  • A process which involves attachment to specific role models that possess characteristics that an individual would like for themselves. By identifying with this role model, the person adds these characteristics to themselves.


Question 15 of 19


What is gender identity?

Select one of the following:

  • When a child understands that their sex remains the same across time. They know that their own sex will not change.

  • When children understand that everyones sex stays the same over both time and situation and despite changes in appearance.

  • Children are able to label themselves and others in terms of their sex.


Question 16 of 19


What is gender stability?

Select one of the following:

  • When a child understands that their sex remains the same across time. They know that their own sex will not change.

  • Children understand that everyones sex stays the same over both time and situation, and despite changes in appearance

  • Children are able to label themselves and other on terms of sex


Question 17 of 19


What is Gender Constancy?

Select one of the following:

  • Children understand that their sex remains the same across time but not others

  • Children understand that everyones sex stays the same over both time and situation, and despite changes in appearance


Question 18 of 19


What is a gender schema?

Select one of the following:

  • A pocket of knowledge about the characteristics and behaviours associated with a specific gender

  • A culterally determined belief about what a particular sex's gender role should be


Question 19 of 19


What is identification? (Psychodynamic)

Select one of the following:

  • A process which involves attachment to specific role models that possess characteristics that an individual would like for themselves. By identifying with this role model, the person adds these characteristics to themselves.

  • The unconscious process by which children gain their gender identity from their same sex parent
