

Ab Cek
Quiz by Ab Cek, updated more than 1 year ago
Ab Cek
Created by Ab Cek over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What word is used in Chapter 7 to sum up how victims have been treated by the criminal justice system?
  • Orphans.
  • Integral.
  • Wards.
  • Participatory.

Question 2

What is the main reason why victims were often forgotten in the criminal justice process?
  • Victims rarely cooperated with police.
  • Police viewed victims as inherently biased and prejudicial to an objective investigation.
  • The courts were not allowed to hear testimony from victims.
  • The process is overwhelmingly focused on the offender.

Question 3

According to Chapter 7, which of the following is not one of the suggested ways to serve victims of crime?
  • More funding for law enforcement agencies to combat crime.
  • Increase funding for initiatives that prevent crime and victimization.
  • Establish a victim’s bill of rights.
  • Expand services for victims of crimes.

Question 4

International organization like the International Association of Chiefs of Police focus on three broad categories of victim’s needs. Which of the following is not one of these categories?
  • Justice.
  • Retribution.
  • Governance.
  • Support.

Question 5

Which of the following is a principal reason why victims of crime do not access services available to them?
  • Police are unlikely to inform victims of relevant services.
  • Most victims believe such services will not help them in any way.
  • There is a cost to the victim to access such services.
  • There are usually no victim service units in their jurisdiction.

Question 6

Among the groups listed below, who were largely the first pioneers of victimology and victim rights?
  • Parents of murdered children.
  • United Nations officials.
  • Government officials.
  • University professors.

Question 7

In the context of the rights of crime victims, which of the following best represents the right to recognition?
  • The right of the victim to see the evidence the offender will be presenting in his/her trial defence.
  • The right of the victim to be acknowledged as a consequence of crime.
  • The right of the victim to receive restitution from the offender and/or compensation from the state.
  • The right of the victim to know the identity of the offender.

Question 8

Why was the UN Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power referred to as the Magna Carta for Victims?
  • It was essential for helping Jewish victims of the Holocaust reclaim property stolen by the Nazis.
  • It was the forerunner to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • It established the International Criminal Court to hear complaints from victims of international crimes.
  • It was the first major document to enshrine the rights of victims of crimes.

Question 9

Which province was the first to provide compensation for victims of violent crime in Canada?
  • Saskatchewan.
  • Ontario.
  • Quebec.
  • Nova Scotia.

Question 10

Which of the following categories of victim’s needs and rights does the victim fine surcharge fall into?
  • The right to information.
  • The right to a legal standing in a criminal trial.
  • The right to safety and security.
  • The right to reparations.

Question 11

As per the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights, which of the following is not considered a part of the victim’s right to participation?
  • To have the views of the victim considered in the criminal justice process.
  • To present a victim impact statement and to have it considered by the courts.
  • To participate in the prosecution of the alleged offender.
  • To convey their views about decisions to be made by authorities in the criminal justice system that affect the rights of the victim.

Question 12

Which of the following is not true about Restorative Justice?
  • Restorative Justice was pioneered in the United Kingdom.
  • Nova Scotia leads the way in restorative justice for young offenders.
  • Victims of crime prefer restorative justice to tradition models of justice.
  • Criminologists argue that restorative justice has not been utilized to its full potential.

Question 13

Which of the following Canadian cities was cited as being at the forefront of services for victims of domestic violence?
  • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
  • London, Ontario.
  • Toronto, Ontario.
  • Edmonton, Alberta.

Question 14

According to Waller, investments in programs like Stop Now and Plan can save taxpayers money in the future. Which of the following is not one of the ways that programs like this save taxpayer dollars?
  • There are lower costs to victims.
  • They lower welfare costs.
  • They reduce criminal justice costs, such as incarceration of offenders.
  • Programs like this are funded by victims of crime.

Question 15

Despite implementing compensation programs, many victims of crime do not access the funds set aside by provincial governments. Waller suggests that victims do not access compensation because:
  • Only Quebec has a victim compensation fund.
  • Most victims are unaware of victim compensation programs.
  • Only Ontario has a victim compensation fund.
  • Most victims receive insurance payments and do need further assistance.

Question 16

According to pre–18th–century thinking, which of the following was considered the cause of criminal behaviour?
  • Lower intelligence.
  • Social factors.
  • Body type.
  • Evil spirits.

Question 17

Judeo–Christian teachings provide two powerful explanations for the role of evil spirits in sinful behaviour. What are these two explanations?
  • Religion and philosophy.
  • Possession and vice.
  • Temptation and possession.
  • Temptation and theft.

Question 18

Blaming social problems on the Devil and other evil spirits during the Middle Ages was a means to achieve which of the following objectives?
  • It provided the foundation for scientists to study the relationship between the supernatural and crime.
  • It helped bring forth the creation of the modern criminal justice system.
  • It advanced the medical treatment of psychiatric disorders.
  • It diverted attention from the failings of elites by placing blame on individuals who were “possessed” by the Devil.

Question 19

All of the following but one is an assumption of the Classical School. Which one is not an assumption of the Classical School?
  • Individuals were considered free and rational human beings.
  • People broke the law because they were possessed by evil spirits.
  • Individuals should give up some freedoms for a safer society.
  • The social order was based on a social contract between the individual and the state.

Question 20

Which of the following was an important assumption of the Classical theorists?
  • Humans were rational beings who carefully calculated the consequences of their behaviour.
  • Humans were rational beings but they did not calculate the consequences of their behaviour.
  • Humans were rational beings but crime was the result of possession by the supernatural.
  • Crime was a sin cause by supernatural forces and possession.

Question 21

Which of the following best represents the beliefs of Beccaria and the Classical School?
  • The degree of punishment should exceed the degree of harm that was done to society.
  • The degree of punishment should be less than the degree of harm that was done to society.
  • The degree of punishment should be proportional to the degree of harm that was done to society.
  • The punishment should fit the criminal.

Question 22

Which of the following terms best represents the idea that rational people can be persuaded from engaging in crime through the prospect of punishment?
  • Deterrence.
  • Torture.
  • Justice.
  • Punishment.

Question 23

Of the following thinkers, who is associated with the Classical School?
  • Beccaria.
  • Sheldon.
  • Sutherland.
  • Lombroso.

Question 24

Which of the following is true of the Classical School?
  • Its theory of punishment ignored the role that deterrence can play.
  • No amount of punishment was unjust.
  • It gave judges too much discretion in determining guilt and passing sentence.
  • It advocated due process safeguards for offenders.

Question 25

Which of the following best characterizes the Statistical School?
  • It emphasizes the biological causes of crime.
  • It focuses on how the structural features of society influence crime.
  • It emphasizes the psychological causes of crime.
  • It deals with individual offenders and not crime rates.

Question 26

Someone who began using observation of known criminals during the 18th century to attempt to determine the correlates and causes of criminal behaviour would be part of which of the following “schools of thought”?
  • The Classical School.
  • The Social Science School.
  • The Positive School.
  • The Statistical School.

Question 27

Which of the following contradicts the ideas associated with the Positive School?
  • Punishment should fit the criminal.
  • Criminals are intelligent makers of rational choices.
  • Crime is caused by factors that can be discovered.
  • Criminologists should study individual offenders.

Question 28

What was the term used by Cesare Lombroso to refer to the physical signs of a morally and evolutionary inferior person?
  • Stigmata.
  • Endomorph.
  • Survival of the fittest.
  • Mesomorphs

Question 29

Which of the following schools of thought advocated that criminals were born, not made, and that they were less evolved than the law–abiding?
  • The Neoclassical theorists.
  • The Positive School.
  • The Statistical School.
  • The Classical School.

Question 30

According to the Positive School, what is the criminal type thought to be a throwback to an earlier stage of evolution known as?
  • Ectomorph.
  • Endomorph.
  • Atavist.
  • Criminaloid.

Question 31

Which of the following influenced the idea that crime could be controlled if society could design punishments to fit the criminal?
  • Classical School.
  • Contract theory.
  • Statistical School.
  • Positivist School.

Question 32

According to somatotype theory, who is most likely to commit crime?
  • The endomorph.
  • The mesomorph.
  • The ectomorph.
  • Atavist.

Question 33

Which of the following schools of thought was the basis for the institutionalization of those with intellectually deficiencies, and even for forced sterilization?
  • The Classical School of the 18th century.
  • Biological theories of the 20th century.
  • The Neoclassical School of the 19th century.
  • Pre–18th–century theories of crime.

Question 34

Which of the following best represents the belief that the stock of a race or nation can be improved through the sterilization of intellectually and morally inferior people?
  • Dysgenics.
  • Somatotypes.
  • Eugenics.
  • Atavism.

Question 35

According to the textbook, which of the following assumptions is made in nearly all psychology research on offenders?
  • The assumptions of offender deficit and unconscious determinants.
  • The assumptions of unconscious determinants and precipitating events.
  • The assumptions of discriminating traits and precipitating events.
  • The assumptions of offender deficit and discriminating traits.

Question 36

Which of the following assumptions of psychological theories of crime is true?
  • Genetic influence is greater than environmental influence.
  • All criminal behaviour is treatable.
  • Offenders have special traits and deficits.
  • Behaviour is shaped by class and gender relations.

Question 37

Which of the following theoretical perspectives has the most in common with sociology?
  • Psychoanalytic theory.
  • Community psychology.
  • Eysenck’s theory of personality.
  • Moral development theory.

Question 38

Using Rappaport’s “levels of analysis” perspective in psychology, what level would the influence of drug– abusing friends best fit within?
  • Institutional or community.
  • Organizational.
  • Small group.
  • Individual.

Question 39

Which of the following is most closely associated with the view that offenders who break the law have some psychological shortcoming that distinguishes them from normal law–abiding citizens?
  • Behavioural psychology.
  • Community psychology.
  • Moral development.
  • Assumption of offender deficit.

Question 40

What perspective analyzes social problems, including crime, as largely a product of organizational and institutional characteristics of society?
  • Operant conditioning.
  • Corrections psychology.
  • Community psychology.
  • Psychoanalytic theory.

Question 41

Which of the following is associated with psychoanalytic theory?
  • Id, ego, and superego.
  • Extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism.
  • Preconventional, conventional, postconventional.
  • Individual level, small group level, organizational level, institutional or community level.

Question 42

What is the term for the interactive process whereby individuals come to learn and internalize the culture of their society or group?
  • Behaviourism.
  • Moral development.
  • Operant conditioning.
  • Socialization.

Question 43

Which of the following schools of thought is Kohlberg associated with?
  • Moral development theory.
  • Operant conditioning.
  • Psychoanalytical theory.
  • Crime and personality theory.

Question 44

Which of the following is a psychological theory of crime?
  • Differential association theory.
  • Patriarchal theory.
  • Anomie theory.
  • Theory of moral development.

Question 45

According to Kohlberg, how many stages of moral development are there?
  • Six.
  • Nine.
  • Eight.
  • Three.

Question 46

What does moral development theory emphasize?
  • Moral development is related to childhood issues that operate unconsciously.
  • Morals develop at different times in different individuals.
  • Moral development occurs automatically.
  • Sexual activity correlates with delinquency.

Question 47

According to your textbook, what term refers to a personality characteristic associated with sociability, impulsiveness, and aggression?
  • Introversion.
  • Extraversion.
  • Egomaniac.
  • Neuroticism.

Question 48

What is the term for the basic form of learning whereby a neutral stimulus is paired with another stimulus that naturally elicits a certain response?
  • Operant conditioning.
  • Socialization.
  • Modelling.
  • Classical conditioning.

Question 49

Which psychological perspective examines families, subcultures, and symbolic modelling as potential influences on aggressive behaviour?
  • Psychoanalytic psychology.
  • Behavioural psychology.
  • Social learning psychology.
  • Community psychology.

Question 50

Generally speaking, what does research say regarding the association between aggressive behaviour by children and exposure to depictions of violence on television?
  • There is a weak correlation but lack of clarity about the direction of causation.
  • There is no link.
  • There is a weak correlation but clarity about the direction of causation.
  • There is a strong correlation and clarity about the direction causation.

Question 51

Schools are increasingly offering students at risk of dropping out material incentives, such as bus passes, restaurant vouchers, movie passes, etc. Which of the following terms best describes this strategy?
  • Social learning.
  • Symbolic modelling.
  • Operant conditioning.
  • Autonomic reactivity.

Question 52

Which of the following is characteristic of an offender’s lack of feelings of guilt or remorse over serial violence committed against innocent people?
  • Automatic reactivity.
  • Psychopathy.
  • Extraversion.
  • Negative symbolic modelling.

Question 53

Which of the following is the clinical name applied to individuals who have great disregard for the rights of others and who exhibit impulsive, irresponsible, and aggressive behaviour?
  • Psychopathy Disorder.
  • Antisocial Personality Disorder.
  • Sociopathic Disorder.
  • Extraversion Personality Disorder.

Question 54

What are the brutal murders committed by Paul Bernardo, Clifford Olson, and Charles Manson cited as examples of?
  • Autonomic reactivity.
  • Major depression.
  • Autonomic personality.
  • Psychopathy.

Question 55

Which of the following best represents how Cleckley and Hare characterize psychopaths?
  • They learn from their experiences but do not fear the consequences of their behaviour.
  • They learn from their experiences and fear the consequences of their behaviour.
  • They fear the consequences of their behaviour but do not learn from their experiences.
  • They neither learn from their experiences nor fear the consequences of their behaviour.

Question 56

Which of the following statements is true?
  • The prevalence of mental disorder among those in correctional institutions is less than in the general population.
  • There are no reliable statistics on the prevalence of mental disorder among those in correctional institutions.
  • The prevalence of mental disorder among those in correctional institutions is about the same as in the general population.
  • The prevalence of mental disorder among those in correctional institutions is greater than in the general population.
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