The World of Storytelling, Anne Pelowski Essay (Chapters 1 & 15)


Apunte sobre The World of Storytelling, Anne Pelowski Essay (Chapters 1 & 15), creado por oliver11 el 01/10/2014.
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Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

CHAPTER ONE -definition of storytelling: Storytelling as an art means recreating literature--taking the printed words in a book and giving them life.-talks about the evidence of orality and the evidence of the role of storytelling (an example of evidence is cave drawings)-also talks about the audience -audience participation was a huge part of storytelling; stories within stories; interactive stories-in some cases, the audience knew the original version of the story, and therefore understood the humour-this chapter also talks about how writing doesn't develop out of story telling; writing developed in order for people to have permanent records of things7 Reasons oral story telling developed: (page 226) entertainment to explain the world explain/honour the supernatural world to communicate experience art to record history to encode/preserve social norms -Late 18th century adults weren't part of the oral storytelling culture anymore-Reasons for this? the printing press, chapbooks; -storytelling became for children only-page 230-31 describes the different definitions of 'storytelling' and why certain people didn't like them-meaning of storytelling is changing/shiftingCHAPTER FIFTEEN-this chapter discusses visuality, orality, and literacy and their relation to storytelling, along with their primary and secondary qualitiesPrimary visuality: the ability to appreciate, interpret, and understand a local narrative depicted in two-dimensional pictures; the ability to draw, sketch or paintSecondary visuality: the ability to appreciate, interpret and understand a local narrative on television, film, filmstrip, or videoPrimary orality: the ability to appreciate, interpret and understand a local narrative told by a live person to an audience listening in real timeSecondary orality: the ability to do the above by means of listening or telling via telephone, radio, video, etc.Primary literacy: the ability to read and write a local narrative in one's native language[no secondary](local narrative refers to a story that is generally known by the people of a given locality)

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