

Tercero Historia Universal Contemporánea Fichas sobre Student, creado por Fernanda Pacheco el 29/08/2017.
Fernanda Pacheco
Fichas por Fernanda Pacheco, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fernanda Pacheco
Creado por Fernanda Pacheco hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Many Western countries were increasingly interested in the expansion of Japan U.S. first attempts of a trading relationship were in 1837-1846
On July 1853, Commodore Perry arrived with 4 warships to demand Japan´s response to the commercial agreements
Although some of Japan´s political leaders favored national resistance, they finally agreed to the Treaty of Kanagawa in March 1854 The US followed up the 1854 treaty with other treaties. So Japna signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce in 1858
Japan was gradually pressured into signing similar treaties with other Western nations
Meiji Restoration 1868
Since these treaties were signed without the emperor´s consent, pro imperial and anti-Western were able to stir upp anti-government sentiments and movements "Eastern morals and Western science"
SHISHI Fanatics who were prepared to kill and die for the resistance
YOSHIDA SHOIN wanted the feudal system to be transformed in a way in which, by establishing greater national unity In 1866, the emperor died and was replaced by emperor Meiji. In 1868 the imperial system continued without interruptions in Japan.
"Enrich the country, streghten the military" One of the main aims of the system was to prevent Japan from falling into control of the Western powers
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