SW Cy1 Review Sheet Q/A part 1: 5 Themes of Geography and Abraham Maslow


Part 1 of this studying aid shows the 5 Themes of Geography and the Abraham Maslow questions.
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Pregunta Respuesta
Who was Abraham Maslow? Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who lived from April 1, 1908 – June 8, 1970 and is best known for the creation of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Explain and give an example of Absolute Location. Absolute location is the exact location of something, it's often shown using latitude and longitude. An example: Honolulu is at 21 Latitude, 175 Longitude.
Explain and give an example of Relative Location. Relative location is the location of something in relation to something else. An example: Honolulu is West of U.S.A and in Hawaii.
Explain and give an example of Place. Place describes the human and physical characteristics of a location. An example: Honolulu has a lot of volcanos, is in an archipelago, humans speak English and Hawaiian, people are usually of hawaiian descent.
Explain and give an example of Human-Environment Interaction. Human-Environment Interaction is how humans shape the Earth. An example would be blasting tunnels for trains to travel through.
Explain and give an example of Region. Region divides the world into manageable units for geographic study. There are three types: Formal (states), Functional (newspaper area), and Vernacular (perceived) An example of Formal: Between Illinois and Iowa. An example of Functional: Tribune route. An example of Vernacular: Middle East.
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