Past simple


Past tense correct use
Fer Montiel
Fichas por Fer Montiel, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fer Montiel
Creado por Fer Montiel hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
PAST SIMPLE We can use past simple to talk or discuss about the inmediate past (something that happened before) or something that happened several times in the past. By the time you use past simple, you need to be very careful with the verbs. There are two types of verbs in past tense (regular and irregular verbs)
Regular verbs The regular verbs are formed by the base form of the verb + ed EXAMPLE Baked Irregular verbs have a whole different structure that includes sometimes the base form of the verb and an unique end. Or a whole different way excluding the base form of the verb. EXAMPLE Was
As every tense past simple has its positive, negative and interrogative form. And each one is meant for a different meaning. POSITIVE. Pronoun + verb in past form + complement I did something bad
NEGATIVE FORM Pronoun+ didn´t or did not + base form of the verb+ complement You didn´t call the whole week INTERROGATIVE FORM Did or didn´t + pronoun+ base form of the verb+ complement + ? Did you save the money?
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