Exam 7: Part 1


Fichas sobre Exam 7: Part 1, creado por ron el 12/10/2013.
Fichas por ron, actualizado hace más de 1 año
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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Classifications for fibers Fast or slow Glycolytic or oxidative
Fast fibers Contain myosin with high ATPase activity
Fibers with numerous mitochondria have a high capacity for ______________. Oxidative Phosphoralation
Oxidative fibers Red muscle fibers contain large amounts of myoglobin
Myoglobin Oxygen bindgin protein that increase the rate of oxygen diffusion and provides a small store oxygen
Gycolytic Fibers Few mitochondria Many glycolytic enzymes Surrounded by less blood vessels white muscle fibers
Slow oxidative fibers Low myosin ATPase activity and high oxidative capacity Produces less tension but sustainable
Fast oxidative-glycoltyic fibers High myosin ATPase activity and high oxidative capacity and intermediate glycolytic capacity Produces intermediate tension but drops off over time
Fast glycolytic fibers High myosin ATPase activity and high glycolytic capacity Produces greatest amount of tension but doesn't last long
more oxidative fibers are more ______. more glycolytic fibers are more ______. Red white
Things that affect fiber type/number genetics use/disease presence of oxygen (aerobic or anaerobic)
Motor commands originate in the _______ motor cortex.
Skeletal muscles are only ________ so they must _______. Stimulated work in pairs
flexor muscle that decreases joint angle
Propriation system--sensory system: Info load and body position
Propriation system--sensory system: Receptors Stretch receptors (mechanoceptors)
muscle spindle Detect changes in length of muscle
golgi tendon organ Detects changes in muscle tension
Afferent signal from muscles is sent to Brain Local reflex circuts
Local Circuts Afferents to interneurons to motorneurons
Spinal Reflex Involuntary Contraction
Knee jerk response -Stretch patellar ligament -Stretch receptor input to spinal cord -positive input to CNS -positive input to entensors -negative input to flexor (inhibits motorneuron)
Withdrawl response Pain in foot--registered by spinal cord Interneurons in cord: Inhibit extensor, stimulates flexor inhibits contralateral flexors Send input to the brain
Smooth Muscle: locations Lines the: digestive track blood vessels urogential ducts glands
Smooth muscle: characteristics Not striated; layered autonomic (can stimulate or inhibit)
Smooth muscle: myofilaments myosin and actin thick and thin thick lie between thin thin attatch to dense bodies (not z line) cells often linked by gap junctions synchronise contractions
Smooth Muscle: Contraction Overview Need to increase intracellular calcium.
Smooth Muscle: Contraction method of action steps 1-3 Opening of Ca+ channels is triggered by automnomic, endocrines chemicals stretch or pacemaker cells ca+ activates callmodulin activated calmodin activates myosin light chain kinase
Smooth Muscle: Contraction method of action steps 4-6 Myosin light chain kinase phophoralates myosin cross bridge is formed cross bridge cycling occurs
Smooth Muscle: Relaxation Overview Need decrease in cytosolic caclcium
Smooth Muscle: Relaxation Method of Action Increase myosin light chain phosphate no cross bridging occurs
Aerobic Conditions cause Increase # of mitochondria in fibers Increase # of capillaries around myofibers Increased vascularization Increase in endurance=less fatigue
Anaerobic conditions cause greater myofiber diameter increase in glycolytic enzymes
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