Ear Flashcards


Flash cards for learning medical terms related to the ear
Wendy SR.
Fichas por Wendy SR., actualizado hace más de 1 año
Wendy SR.
Creado por Wendy SR. hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
acous/o hearing
audi/o hearing
audit/o hearing
aur/o ear
auricul/o ear
cerumin/o cerumen earwax
cochle/o cochlea sensory organ for hearing
labyrinth/o labyrinth fluid filled cavity, inner ear
myring/o tympanic membrane (ear drum)
ot/o ear
salping/o auditory tube eustachian tube
staped/o stapes one of the ossicles (bones) within the middle ear
tympan/o tympanic membrane (ear drum)
vestibul/o vestibule entryway into the inner ear
-cusis hearing
-otia ear condition
neur/o nerve
-otomy cutting into
-itis inflammation
-rrhagia abnormal flow
-al -ar -ic pertaining to
-emetic pertaining to vomit
-logy study of
-plasty surgical repair
otic pertaining to the ear
an- without
anti- against
macro- large
micro- small
tympanic pertaining to the tympanic membrane or ear drum
acoustic pertaining to hearing
anacusis an- -cusis without hearing
ceruminoma mass of cerumen excessive accumulation of earwax resulting in a hard wax plug
otomycosis ot/o myc/o -osis abnormal condition of fungus in the ear
audiology audi/o -logy study of hearing
tympanorrhexis tympan/o -rrhexis rupture of tympanic membrane or ear drum
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