Opthamology: Eyelids (Entropion, Ectropion, Blepharitis, Stye, Chalazion)


SGUL LOB's for Opthamology: Eyelids (Entropion, Ectropion, Blepharitis, Stye, Chalazion).
Andrew Street
Fichas por Andrew Street, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Andrew Street
Creado por Andrew Street hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
2397 Entropion - what is it, how is it Rx? * Eyelid rolls inwards * Lashes act as a foreign body & cause irritation * Occasionally the constant rubbing of lashes against the cornea causes an abrasion The commonest cause is ageing & Sx is usually required. K & C p1057.
2397 Ectropion - what is it, how is it Rx? * Eyelid margin rolls outwards * Lacrimal puncta is not in the correct anatomical position to drain tears & pt's usually complain of a watery eye * Underlying factors include age, VII nerve palsy and cicatricial skin conditions Surgery is usually required. K & C p1057.
2399 Blepharitis - what is it, how is it Rx? * Inflammation of the lid margins may involve the lashes & follicles resulting in styes, or inflammation & blockage of meibomian glands leading to chalazion * Causes include meibomian gland dysfunction, seborrhoea & Staphylococcus aureus infxn * Can be asymptomatic or complain of itchy, burning eyes because of tear film instability resulting from meibomian gland dysfunction Rx: * Lid hygiene (key Rx) - helps reduce bacterial load & unblock meibomian glands. * Short course of topical chloramphenicol or fusidic acid useful in chronic cases * Oral doxycycline may be required in severe cases * People with keratitis should be referred to the ophthalmologist for topical steroids K & C p1057.
2401 What is a stye & how is it Rx? * Acute abscess within a lash follicle & its associated glands * Tender, inflamed lump * Usually staphylococcal in origin Rx with warm compresses. If periorbital (aka preseptal) cellulitis is present use ABx's PO. OHOO 2nd Ed p132.
2402 Chalazion - what is it, how Rx? * Commonest lid lump * Chronic lipogranulomatous inflammation of blocked meibomian glands * Usually on upper lid * Commoner in pt's with chronic blepharitis, rosacea, seborrhoeic dermatitis Rx - if small often self resolving. If persistent/symptomatic - surgery. OHOO 2nd ed p133.
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