Latin Vocab List 6


Flashcards on Latin Stage 6, created by Fatimah-Zahra Chowdhury on 31/01/2017.
Fatimah-Zahra Chowdhury
Fichas por Fatimah-Zahra Chowdhury, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fatimah-Zahra Chowdhury
Creado por Fatimah-Zahra Chowdhury hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
abest is out, absent
aberat was out, absent
cubiculum bedroom
emit buys
ferociter fiercely
festīnat hurries
fortis brave
fūr thief
intentē intently, carefully
lībertus freedman, ex-slave
olim once, some time ago
parvus small
per through
postquam after
pulsat hits, thumps
quod because
rēs thing
scrībit writes
subito suddenly
superat overcomes, overpowers
tum then
tuus your, yours
vēndit sells
vituperat blames, curses
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