Learning aim B: Examine the factors affecting health and the impact of addressing these factors to improve public health


Mapa Mental sobre Learning aim B: Examine the factors affecting health and the impact of addressing these factors to improve public health, creado por Carina Storm el 27/09/2017.
Carina Storm
Mapa Mental por Carina Storm, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Carina Storm
Creado por Carina Storm hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Learning aim B: Examine the factors affecting health and the impact of addressing these factors to improve public health
    1. Income
      1. Definition
        1. Impact on Health
          1. Physical
            1. Intellectual
              1. Emotional
                1. Social
              2. Education
                1. Impact on Health
                  1. Physical
                    1. Intellectual
                      1. Emotional
                        1. Social
                      2. Definition
                      3. ENVIRONMENTAL
                        1. Housing
                          1. Impact on Health
                            1. Physical
                              1. Intellectual
                                1. Social
                                  1. Emotional
                                2. Access to Exercise Facilities
                                  1. Impact on Health
                                    1. Physical
                                      1. Intellectual
                                        1. Emotional
                                          1. Social
                                        2. Definition
                                        3. GENETIC
                                          1. LIFESTYLE
                                            1. EXTENTION TASK
                                              1. Discuss the links between social change, lifestyle choices and public health issues e.g. obesity and cancers
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