Forestry Production


(FORESTRY) Environmental Studies Mapa Mental sobre Forestry Production, creado por ZeroAnalysis el 29/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por ZeroAnalysis, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ZeroAnalysis hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Forestry Production
  1. Before the industrial revolution wood had many uses in the UK - different methods were used to make the most out of the available resource
    1. Coppicing is the process where trees are cut to ground level every few years, The regrowth produces long narrow stems
      1. Pollarding is the process where trees are cut back to a few meters above ground level every few years. The regrowth produces long, narrow stems
      2. During WWI there was a serious timber shortage in Britain, which, (after the war) caused a reform in modern plantation forestry
        1. Features
          1. Large scale plantations on low value land established
            1. Monocultures of a single non-native species grown
              1. Trees planted close together so they compete for light and grow tall and straight, with fewer side branches
                1. Plantations were planted geometrically, all at the same time for uniform harvesting
                2. Forests are now recognised to have multiple uses and are deliberately managed for the benefit of the community
                  1. The Forestry Commission was set up to increase timber supplies and national self reliance, along with management of the UK's forests
                    1. The Forestry Stewardship Council monitors timber production and accredits those producers that manage sustainable logging operations
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