Digital Media and Environmental Sustainability


Mind Map on Digital Media and Environmental Sustainability, created by Lewis Hainey on 29/10/2015.
Lewis Hainey
Mind Map by Lewis Hainey, updated more than 1 year ago
Lewis Hainey
Created by Lewis Hainey almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Digital Media and Environmental Sustainability
  1. E-waste - left over components of electronic devices
    1. Often dumped in developing countries such as Ghana and India
      1. Traders take advantage of a lack of regulation
        1. Traders forced to accept scrap along with computer shipments
          1. Corporations continue to develop products containing toxic chemicals
            1. Informal "recycling" process used to extract metals is a major cause of pollution
        2. Raising Awareness with Social Media
          1. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have proven to be effective campaigning tools
            1. The USA's Environmental Protection Agency regularly uploads YouTube videos to raise awareness of issues it deems to be important
              1. YouTube is an important part of Greenpeace's Save the Arctic campaign, targeting companies and brands over unethical activities
                1. The group also used social media to convince Nestle to remove products resulting from rainforest destruction
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