Charge of the light brigade


GCSE English Literature Mapa Mental sobre Charge of the light brigade, creado por sophie wallis el 29/04/2018.
sophie wallis
Mapa Mental por sophie wallis, actualizado hace más de 1 año
sophie wallis
Creado por sophie wallis hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Charge of the light brigade
  1. Link to conflict
    1. Conflict between the bravery of the soldiers and the stupidity of the mission.
    2. Link to power
      1. The powerful military imagery creates paradox of blind duty as the men charge to their deaths
      2. Key quotes
        1. "Into the valley of death rode the six hundred"
          1. Metaphor- to show the inevitability of the 600 deaths.
          2. "Someone had blundered"
            1. "blunder'd" - verb - someone had made a mistake.
            2. "Stormed at the shot and shell"
              1. Their courage still remains
              2. "When can they glory fade?"
                1. caesura- shows Tennyson's frustration to the charge -it shouldn't of happened.
                2. "Half a league, half a league, half a league onward"
                  1. Repetition- a chance for appreciation as we imagine how far they charged.
                3. Structure
                  1. The powerful military rhythm matches the rhythm of marching drums.
                  2. Context
                    1. A miscommunication led a group of soldiers head first into a battle with cataphoric results.
                      1. In 1850 Tennnyson became poet Laurette. He critises upper class in his poems based on the Crimena war.
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