Anti-Natal Policy :Thailand


A2 (Human Geography - Population) Geography Mapa Mental sobre Anti-Natal Policy :Thailand, creado por Frances McNab el 26/10/2014.
Frances McNab
Mapa Mental por Frances McNab, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Frances McNab
Creado por Frances McNab hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Anti-Natal Policy :Thailand
    1. Mechai Viravaidya - former government member and PR expert fronted the campaign.
      1. METHODS
        1. Condoms were the trademark.
          1. Contraceptives were free.
            1. One of the first countries to use DMPA.
              1. Rural areas had access to contraception.
                1. Men and women have equal responsibility for the child.
                  1. 95% of Thais are Buddhist - Buddhist scripture 'many children make you poor'.
                    1. Non-scalpel vasectomies available at festivals.
                      1. Free vasectomies on the King's birthday.
                  2. SUCCESS
                    1. Creativity of family planning.
                      1. Thai people are open to new ideas.
                        1. Government willing to work with the PDA.
                        2. ECONOMY
                          1. PDA offers loans linked to contraceptive use - interest rates lower than normal.
                            1. Priority to families who use family planning.
                              1. More effective contraception has a higher value.
                              2. PDA offered loans for rain catchment jars.
                                1. Set up rice banks.
                                  1. Pig/buffalo banks.
                                  2. AIDS
                                    1. Rate of 1.4%.
                                      1. Last decade involved...
                                        1. An increase in the AIDS budget 20 fold.
                                          1. Public information campaign.
                                            1. 100% condom programme.
                                            2. 1997 - 2% 2003 - 1.8% 2007 - 1.4%
                                              1. Without these steps the rate could be 10x higher.
                                              2. CRITICISMS
                                                1. Damage to the tourist industry.
                                                  1. Worth $4 million p/year.
                                                    1. Drove tourists away with its anti-AIDS campaign and criticism of the commercial sex industry.
                                                      1. Mechai argued that he tried to save tourism by preventing the spread of a disease that could decimate the population.
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