Action Research in Education in applied Linguistics


Mapa Mental sobre Action Research in Education in applied Linguistics, creado por ERIKA SHARMÍN RAMOS CHAVEZ el 15/05/2021.
Mapa Mental por ERIKA SHARMÍN RAMOS CHAVEZ, actualizado hace alrededor de 1 mes
Creado por ERIKA SHARMÍN RAMOS CHAVEZ hace alrededor de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Action Research in Education in applied Linguistics
  1. 1.1 Preliminares
      1. Research method
        1. Aims to
          1. investigate and solve an issue
            1. ¨simultaneously¨
          2. ¨Takes action¨
            1. 1944 by Kurt Lewin.A
              1. Interactive method
                1. Used in
                  1. Social sciences and educational setting.
                  2. TYPES
                    1. Participatory action research
                      1. Participants are co-researchers
                      2. Practical action research
                        1. Adress and solve specefic issues
                      3. Also called ¨cycle of inquiry¨
                        1. MODELS
                          1. Operational
                            1. planing, acting, observing anf reflecting
                            2. Collaboration action research
                              1. community-based
                              2. Critical reflexion action research
                                1. contextualize systemic process
                          2. 1.2 Action & Traditional Research
                            1. Action Research
                              1. Solve and improve existing systems
                                1. Derived from sorroundings
                                  1. Practical significance
                                  2. Traditional Research
                                    1. Advance existing knowledge
                                      1. Derived from theory
                                        1. Statistical significance
                                      2. 1.3 Advantages and Disadvantages in Action Research
                                        1. Advantages
                                          1. Flexibility
                                            1. adapt the research to your own needs
                                            2. Empowerment
                                              1. participants have an active role
                                              2. Practical solutions
                                                1. Long-term solutions
                                              3. Disadvantages
                                                1. Researcher Bias
                                                  1. Researcher can influence the results
                                                  2. Scope limitations
                                                    1. Not suitable for complex problems
                                                    2. Limited generalizability
                                                      1. Results has its specific nature
                                                      2. Lack of objectivity
                                                        1. Subjectivity can affect the research results
                                                    3. 1.4 Action Research vs Case Study
                                                      1. Action Research
                                                        1. Solve a particular issue inmediately
                                                          1. Active collaboration
                                                            1. Identify and solve problems in a community
                                                            2. Case study
                                                              1. Conducted over a longer period of time
                                                                1. Examine a particular case
                                                                  1. Variety of data collection
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