Feature Article Structure


Mapa Mental sobre Feature Article Structure, creado por Jack Patterson el 14/11/2013.
Jack Patterson
Mapa Mental por Jack Patterson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jack Patterson
Creado por Jack Patterson hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Feature Article Structure
  1. Title and Headline
    1. Key words
      1. Grab attention
        1. Catchy
        2. Introduction
          1. Outline the subject
            1. Provoke readers interest
              1. Provide useful background information
                1. Invite readers to take sides
                  1. Heighten the drama
                    1. Establish the writers tone
                    2. Main Body
                      1. Number of paragraphs
                        1. Divide the main topic into sub topics
                          1. Sub headings
                            1. Anecdotes and interviews
                              1. Personal viewpoints
                                1. Facts and stats
                                  1. Anecdotes and stories
                                    1. Specific names, places and dates
                                      1. Photos, tables, diagrams and graphs
                                      2. Conclusion
                                        1. Reminding the reader of the main article features
                                          1. Encouraging a change of attitude
                                            1. Suggest an appropriate course of action
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