The Civil War


Mapa Mental sobre The Civil War, creado por rosebrandon417 el 23/02/2016.
Mapa Mental por rosebrandon417, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por rosebrandon417 hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Civil War
  1. Fort Sumter
    1. The battle at Fort Sumter that began the Civil War
      1. Took place in 1861
        1. Attacked by Confederates
    2. Border states
      1. One was Delaware
        1. Another was Maryland
          1. Kentucky
            1. Last but not least Missouri
      2. General Winfield Scott
        1. He said to First destroy the South's economy
          1. Second he said to gain the mississippi
          2. The First Battle of Bull Run
            1. First major battle
              1. First major confederate victory
            2. Seven days battles
              1. Forced The Union out of Richmond
              2. Battle of Antietam
                1. Bloodiest battle in the Cival War
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