

(Endocrine & metabolic) Paediatrics Mapa Mental sobre Hypoglycaemia, creado por v.djabatey el 08/01/2014.
Mapa Mental por v.djabatey, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por v.djabatey hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. common in neonates during 1st few days of life
    1. after this rare in non-diabetics
    2. definition
      1. plasma glucose < 2.6 mmol/L
      2. clinical features
        1. sweating
          1. pallor
            1. CNS signs
              1. irritability
                1. headache
                  1. seizures
                    1. coma
                    2. if hyperglycaemia persists
                      1. neurological sequelae may be permanent
                        1. epilepsy
                          1. severe learning difficulties
                            1. microcephaly
                              1. risk greatest in early childhood
                                1. period of most rapid brain growth
                          2. INFANTS ARE AT HIGH RISK
                            1. they've high energy requirements
                              1. but poor glucose reserves from glycogenesis & gluconeogenesis
                              2. w/ fasting
                                1. so never starve infants for > 4hrs
                                  1. even for pre-op
                              3. Ix
                                1. must check blood glucose in any child who
                                  1. becomes septicaemic or looks v ill
                                    1. has a prolonged seizure
                                      1. develops an altered state of consciousness
                                        1. bedside testing
                                          1. glucose-senstive strips and meter
                                            1. NB: strips only tell you that glucose is in a low range
                                              1. need confirmatory lab measurement
                                          2. lab testing
                                            1. if cause of hypoglycaemia unknown
                                              1. collect blood at time of hypoglycaemia
                                                1. send 1st available urine
                                          3. Causes
                                            1. beyond immediate neonatal period
                                              1. fasting
                                                1. insulin excess
                                                  1. excess exogenous insulin
                                                    1. diabetes mellitus
                                                      1. insulin given clandestinely
                                                      2. beta-cell tumours/disorders
                                                        1. insulinoma
                                                          1. persistent hypoglycaemic hyperinsulinism of infancy (PHHI)
                                                            1. causes recurrent, severe neonatal hypoglycaemia
                                                              1. rare
                                                                1. gene mutations of pathways ->
                                                                  1. dysregulation of insulin release by pancreatic islet cells->
                                                                    1. profound non-ketotic hypoglycaemia
                                                                  2. Rx
                                                                    1. high [dextrose] sol and diazoxide
                                                                      1. to main safe blood sugar levels pending ix
                                                                      2. total pancreatectomy
                                                                        1. risk of diabetes and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
                                                                  3. drug-induced
                                                                    1. sulphonylurea
                                                                    2. autoimmune
                                                                      1. insulin receptor antibodies
                                                                      2. Beckwith syndrome
                                                                      3. w/o hyperinsulinaemia
                                                                        1. liver disease
                                                                          1. ketotic hypoglycaemia of childhood
                                                                            1. young children readily get hypoglycaemic ff short period of starvation
                                                                              1. due to limited reserves for gluconeogenesis
                                                                              2. short, thin child
                                                                                1. w/ low insulin levels
                                                                                2. Mx
                                                                                  1. regular snacks & extra glucose drinks when ill
                                                                                  2. resolves spontaneously in later life
                                                                                  3. inborn errors of metabolism
                                                                                    1. glycogen storage disorders
                                                                                      1. hepatomegaly
                                                                                        1. profound hypoglycaemia
                                                                                      2. hormonal def
                                                                                        1. growth hormone
                                                                                          1. ACTH
                                                                                            1. Addison disease
                                                                                              1. congenital adrenal hyperplasia
                                                                                          2. reactive/non-fasting
                                                                                            1. galactosaemia
                                                                                              1. leucine sensitivity
                                                                                                1. fructose intolerance
                                                                                                  1. maternal diabetes
                                                                                                    1. hormonal def
                                                                                                      1. aspirin/alcohol poisoning
                                                                                                    2. neonatal period
                                                                                                      1. transient neonatal hypoglycaemia
                                                                                                        1. exposure to high levels of insulin in utero
                                                                                                          1. diabetic or glucose intolerant mum
                                                                                                    3. Rx
                                                                                                      1. 2 ml/kg of 10% dextrose followed by 10% dextrose infusion
                                                                                                        1. be careful not to give excess vol
                                                                                                          1. solution is hypertonic & could -> cerebral oedema
                                                                                                          2. if delay in establishing infusion or failure to respond
                                                                                                            1. im glucagon (0.5-1 mg)
                                                                                                              1. in neonate low sugar v likely to be secondary to hyperinsulinism
                                                                                                          3. corticosteroids
                                                                                                            1. if hypopituitarism or hypoadrenalism possible
                                                                                                            2. lab measurements of glucose to ensure correction
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                                                                                                            Child development
                                                                                                            infective endocarditis
                                                                                                            Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI)
                                                                                                            The musculoskeletal system (mod 2, mod 10 (wk6), mod 11 (wk2)
                                                                                                            Vicky O
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                                                                                                            Cystic fibrosis