Luther 1517-55


Mapa Mental sobre Luther 1517-55, creado por Charleigh Lock el 08/05/2014.
Charleigh Lock
Mapa Mental por Charleigh Lock, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Charleigh Lock
Creado por Charleigh Lock hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Luther 1517-55
  1. to what extent was the lack of a strong central government for the Holy Roman Empire responsible for the spread of Lutheranism in Germany in the years 1521-55?
    1. to what extent were the weaknesses of its opponents responsible for the survival and spread of Lutheranism in the years 1521-55?
      1. how far were prevailing social and economic conditions within Germany responsible for the spread of Lutheranism in the years to 1555?
        1. to what extent did Luther's influence on the German Reformation decline after 1525?
          1. how far was the support from the Princes responsible for the spread of Lutheranism within Germany in the years 1517-55?
            1. Princely protection
              1. Papal Unpopularity
                1. Possessions
                  1. Patriotism
                    1. Preaching/Printing
                    2. to what extent did Luther's challenge to the Catholic Church change in the years 1517-21?
                      1. to what extent did Luther's ideas develop in the years 1517-21?
                        1. how accurate is it to say that the support of the German Princes was the most important reason for the spread and survival of Lutheranism in the years 1521-55?
                          1. how accurate is it to say that the Peasants' War of 1525 was the key turning point in Luther's influence over the German Reformation?
                            1. why was Luther able to challenge the Catholic Church so successfully in the years 1517-25?
                              1. how far do you agree that the printing press and growing literacy were the main reasons for the widespread support given to Luther's ideas in Germany in the years 1517-55?
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