Revision: present, past, future


English B1 Flashcards on Revision: present, past, future , created by Yolanda Cabezas on 11/02/2019.
Yolanda Cabezas
Flashcards by Yolanda Cabezas, updated more than 1 year ago
Yolanda Cabezas
Created by Yolanda Cabezas over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Caroline can't swim today. She ___ (have) a cold. has
It's very hot today. Why _____ (wear) a heavy coat today? are you wearing
You're a great cook. This cake _____ (taste) wonderful. tastes
I _____ (just finish) the book you lent me last week. have just finished
Yesterday I _____ (leave) the office before the boss _____ (arrive). left / had left arrived
Be careful! You _____ (break) that bottle. are going to break / will
What _____ ( you do) when I phoned you? were you doing / did you do
There are no buses at this time, I _____ (give) you a lift home. 'll give
I _____ (stay) at the Hotel Real. Why don't you call me? 'm staying
What _____ (they do) when they saw the accident? They called the police. did they do
I _____ (not go) running until it stops snowing. won't go
I _____ (seldom be) in a hurry at the weekend. 'm seldom
Sorry I _____ (not write) to you lately, I _____ (be) very busy. have not written have been
This is really boring. _____ (we play) poker? Shall we play
They _____ (have) a surprise birthday party next Sunday. are having / are going to have
I _____ (wear) my sunglasses today because the sun is very strong. 'm wearing
Mr Count _____ (work) as a secretary for 25 years. Then he _____ (retire) and _____ (go) to live in the country. worked retired went
How do I get from here to London Bridge? I _____ (not know), I _____ (ask) that policeman don't know 'll ask
Where is Tom? I _____ (not see) him today but he _____ (tell) Mary that he'd be in for dinner. haven't seen told
I _____ (not tell) you my secret unless you _____ (promise) not to tell anyone. won't tell promise
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