Help with monologues


Inglés Inglés (Speaking) Flashcards on Help with monologues, created by Joaquín Sánchez on 10/12/2014.
Joaquín Sánchez
Flashcards by Joaquín Sánchez, updated more than 1 year ago
Joaquín Sánchez
Created by Joaquín Sánchez almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
INTRODUCE Firstly, I'd like to shown you... Firstly, I'd explain to you how... Firstly, I'd like to give you an overview... I'm going to cover three points... Firstly, I'm going to .... after that I'm going to look at .... and finally .......
STARTING THE PRESENTATION To begin with To start with Let's start by looking at I'd like to start by looking at
CLOSING A SECTION So, that concludes the first point ... So, that's an overview of ...
BEGINING A NEW SECTION Now, let's move on to the second ... Now, I'd like to move on to the question of Moving on to the next part, I'd like ... Let's continue with ... Let's continue by looking at ... Let's concentrate now on focus on the second point ... Well, now I'd like to draw your attention to the next point ...
REFEREING TO A PREVIOUS PART As I mentioned earlier ... As I said before ... For instance ... For example ...
CONCLUDING AND SUMMARISING Now, I'd like to summarise by saying that To conclude, I would say that I would like to conclude by saying that Personally, from my point of view
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