

Uveitis Moorfields/Yanoff/MassReview
Jsn Pen
Flashcards by Jsn Pen, updated more than 1 year ago
Jsn Pen
Created by Jsn Pen about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Signs of Uveitis
What is the most common form of Acute Uveitis Anterior Acute Uveitis accounts for 75% of all cases of intraocular inflammation. Moorfields Manual
HLA-B27 and Acute Anterior Uveitis are associated in __ % of cases. 60% Moorfields Manual
Symptoms of Acute Anterior Uveitis Redness, Pain, Photophobia. Usually unilateral but may be simultaneously or sequentially bilateral Moorfields Manual
Ocular Signs of Uveitis Anterior: Injection Conjunctival (pred. perilimbal) Flare (Grade 0-4) and Cells (Grade 1-5) Keratic Precipitates (fine and small or "mutton fat") Fibrin, Hypopyon, Iris abnormalities (synechiae, atrophy, nodules) Posteriorly: Few anterior vitreous cells and cystoid macular edema. Moorfields Manual
HLA-B27 (+) disorders juvenile rheumatoid arthritis ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, anterior uveitis Reiter's Syndrome Psoriatic Arthritis Inflammatory Bowel Disease Moorfields Manual
Acute Anterior Uveitis Investigations Criteria Recurrent Bilateral Poorly Responsive Disease Suggestive Etiology Moorfields Manual
Acute Anterior Uveitis Investigations Chest X Ray Serum ACE Syphilis Serology Serum HLA B-27 If VA <20/60 and no cause, FAG, OCT Moorfields Manual
Acute Anterior Uveitis Duration Several days to 6 weeks. Less than 3 months by definition. Moorfields Manual
Acute Anterior Uveitis Treatment Cycloplegia, Intensive Topical Steroids (Dexa) Moorfields Manual
Chronic Anterior Uveitis is associated with HLA-B27 False Moorfields Manual
A chronic anterior Uveitis is abitrarily defined as an anterior uveitis persisting for >3 months True Moorfields Manual
Chronic Anterior Uveitis may be asymptomatic True, or present with only blurred vision Moorfields Manual
Herpetic Uveitis is a type of Chronic Anterior Uveitis True Moorfields Manual
Fuch's Heterochromic Cyclitis features White eye, translucent round or stellate keratic precipitates, heterochromia (variable), iris stromal atrophy, PS are absent; cataract is common; raised IOP (25%) vitreous cells and floaters may be considerable, Cystic Macular Edema is rare. Moorfields Manual
B cells: A. require the presence of a compatible antigen—presenting cell to recognize a specific antigen. B. produce antibodies. C. are a form of leukocyte. D. mature in the bone marrow of mammals. E. are derived from bone marrow stem cells. A B cells are able to recognize antigens that have not been presented or processed by other cells.
T cells: A. express surface markers such as CD4 or CD8. B. may be “helper” or cytotoxic cells. C. may be “natural killer” cells. D. usually express T cell antigen receptors alpha or beta. E. are “educated” in the thymus. C Natural killer cells represent a separate group of lymphocytes that lack both immunoglobulins (as in B cells) and antigen receptors (i.e. TCR, as in T cells).
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