3rd ESO revision translation units 1-6


Passive Inglés (3º eso) Flashcards on 3rd ESO revision translation units 1-6, created by Rosa Valdés RAPADO on 14/05/2020.
Rosa Valdés RAPADO
Flashcards by Rosa Valdés RAPADO , updated more than 1 year ago
Rosa Valdés RAPADO
Created by Rosa Valdés RAPADO over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Mi hermana estaba usando su libro electrónico cuando llegaron mis padres. My sister was using her ebook when my parents arrived
He acabado los deberes I have finished my homework
Mientras estaba mirando mis redes sociales , recibí un correo While I was looking at my social networking sites , I received an email
Mi profesora acaba de llegar My teacher has just arrived
Todavía no he visto esa película I haven't seen that film yet
Mis abuelos no se han jubilado todavía My grandparents haven't retired yet
De mayor voy a ser profesor When I grow up, I'm going to be a teacher
-Hace calor - Abriré la ventana - It's hot - I will open the window
Cuando era joven Pepe podía correr muy rápido When Pepe was young he could run very fast
Está prohibido fumar en los restaurantes You mustn't smoke in restaurants
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