Creation Archetypes


Cards of creation archetypes
Flashcards by A01208592, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by A01208592 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is an archetype? An original model on which similar things are patterned.
Archetype where brother and sister marry and have kids? Sibling mates
Archetype where brothers and/or sisters want to kill each other Sibling rivalry
Archetype where earth as a woman or with female characteristics Female earth
Archetype where it was a perfect time in past Golden age
Archetype where life was perfect, now it’s not Loss of paradise
Archetype where he/she was the favorite, now he/she is not Fall from grace/favor
Archetype where animals talk Archetype of talking animals
Archetype where there is water Archetype of huge body of water
Archetype where there is someone with immortality Archetype of immortality
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