Industrial Revolution


Historia Flashcards on Industrial Revolution, created by Juan Fernandez Castillo on 10/19/2021.
Juan Fernandez Castillo
Flashcards by Juan Fernandez Castillo, updated 2 months ago
Juan Fernandez Castillo
Created by Juan Fernandez Castillo over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The three characteristics of the agricultural revolution are... 1) Reduction in the number of fallows (Norfolk system) 2) Mechanization of agriculture 3) Enclosures
Private ownership of capital (land, factories, machines, money, etc.) is a primary characteristic of the system... Capitalist (with economic liberalism as the theory on which it is based)
What mineral fueled the combustion steam engine? Coal, hence mining developed so much
What were the two means of transportation to which the steam engine was applied, making them much faster and more powerful? Locomotive and steam boat
One of the advantages of the new power looms was... That they could do the work of several people in less time and with higher quality, being managed by a single person, which reduced costs.
One of the disadvantages of the new power looms was... That they could do the work of several people in less time and with higher quality while being managed by a single person, which produced a lot of unemployment.
Is metallurgy a branch of steel, or the other way around? It's the other way around: metallurgy consists of working all types of metals, while steelmaking refers to the work of iron and steel.
In which country did the Industrial Revolution begin? England
What is the name of the industrial area in western Germany that is still one of the strongest in Europe today? The Ruhr area
What was the name of one of the first workers' protest movements that consisted of destroying machines? Luddism or Luddite movement
Name two ways to obtain capital to form a company. 1) Bank loan 2) Formation of a joint stock company (both can be combined)
As cities grow, new neighborhoods are created for the middle classes. These neighborhoods are called... Ensanches
Apart from long working hours and low wages, what other problems did women and children have to face in factories? The opposition of some male workers. Since it was cheaper to hire women and children, these workers could lose their jobs
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