
Six periods.
Blanca Vega
Flashcards by Blanca Vega, updated more than 1 year ago
Blanca Vega
Created by Blanca Vega almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cambrian: First shellfish, primitive fish, trilobites, corals and mollusks were dominant in the oceans, as well as algae.
Ordovician: First land plants and initial fish appeared. Corals and Nautiloids also inhabited oceans.
Silurian: First insects emerged and more plants were on land.
Devonian: The fish period, the first sharks appeared, as well as bony fish. Amphibians and spiders and the first terrestrial forests started colonizing land
Carboniferous: The first reptiles and insects with wings appeared on land.
Permian: Diverse animal and plant life appeared, reptiles diversified. Then there was a mass extinction.
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