
4º de ESO Inglés Flashcards on WEIRD LAWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD, created by Marisa Bal on 04/12/2021.
Marisa Bal
Flashcards by Marisa Bal, updated more than 1 year ago
Marisa Bal
Created by Marisa Bal over 2 years ago

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Question Answer
There are hundreds of thousands of weird laws around the world – some you may have heard are true, and some are actually urban myths. So how good is your weird world law knowledge? Find out now with our quiz! *In Canada, you can join the army when you are 16 years old. *In Israel, MEN AND WOMEN MUST join the army when THEY are 18 *Canada has 6 time zones
IN THAILAND YOU MUST WEAR A SHIRT WHILE DRIVING TRUE! Going topless when driving can be fined
You can't wear high heels in Greece TRUE! High heels are illegal at certain ancient monuments because they can damage them
You can feed the pigeons in Venice's St. Mark's Square. FALSE! The city banned the practice because these birds are bad for the monuments.
You can vote when you’re 16 years old in the United States. False! You can vote when you are 18.
You can’t leave children under 16 years old at home alone in the United States. FALSE! You can’t leave children under 12 years old at home alone in the United States.
IN JAPAN people with tattoos can't enter bathhouses TRUE¡ In Japan, tattoos are associated with organized crime regardless of the gender of the tattoo bearer.
In Russia, students over 15 can go to prison for cheating in exams. FALSE!
In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter TRUE!
If you are driving a dirty car in Russia, you are fined Fine: money you have to pay as punishment for an offense TRUE! If you are lazy to clean your car in Russia and still want to drive, be ready to be fined up to 2,000 roubles
You must carry an Extra Pair of Glasses While Driving in Spain True! In Spain, those who require vision-correcting glasses in order to drive must keep a spare set in their car at all times.
In Singapore, chewing gum is illegal. TRUE! The ban has been partially lifted, as some kinds of gum are allowable like gum chewed for dental health.
In Mexico, it is illegal to wear a hat in a cinema. FALSE
In Israel, MEN AND WOMEN MUST join the army when THEY are 18 TRUE! Service is MANDATORY except for married women and women with children
France: It is illegal to name a pig Napoleon FALSE! This myth follows from the French law which states that it is illegal to disrespect the head of state
Georgia, USA: It is illegal for a chicken to cross the road In Quitman, Georgia, chicken owners must have control of their chicken at all times. This means it is illegal for the chickens to cross the road themselves.
In South Korea, it is illegal to sing any song that is considered to be negative or critical of the government. TRUE!
Walk Your Dog 3 Times a Day in Turin. Or Else...! If you want to avoid a fine of up to €500, you must walk your dog at least three times a day
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